Keep users connected to the web and critical apps with Chrome Enterprise support. Looking for self-service support? Check out our Help Center.
Have 24/7 direct online and phone access to a team of experts at Google to help troubleshoot potential issues and avoid user downtime.
Many enterprises already have Chrome Enterprise support through:
- Google Workspace licenses*
- Chrome Enterprise Upgrade (CEU) licenses across ChromeOS or ChromeOS Flex*
- Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Enhanced and Premium Support
- If your organization meets this criteria, you can start opening support tickets today.
Need standalone support? Check out Google"s Chrome Enterprise Support offering:
- Minimum of 1,000 licenses
- Priced per user or through a site license
- Billed offline yearly
Direct access to dedicated experts
With support, your organization can receive:
Cross-platform support
Get fast and reliable support for Chrome browser on Windows, Mac, Linux, and ChromeOS — and help with the Google Admin console — online or over the phone.
Help with policy management
Ensure policy enforcement by managing and configuring hundreds of policies across Windows Group Policy and Chrome Enterprise Core, with expert-level help.
Support for configuring legacy apps
Get help setting up and managing Legacy Browser Support, which helps your users seamlessly access older apps that are incompatible with modern browsers.
Extra security and more governance
Highly secure pin-based access to support services allows only authorized and current admins to access services on behalf of your organization.