A downloadable game for Windows

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Dig through the universe in an idle mining adventure! Collect minerals by destroying blocks, automate the production of refined goods in your factory, and use them to create more advanced mining gear as you discover and build on more planets!

DIG-16 is a spinoff of the web novel series AUU-16, which can be read on zynima.net.

-Hundreds of hours of gameplay
-Cute flavour text
-Weird secrets
-No horror whatsoever

DIG-16 IS CURRENTLY IN EARLY ACCESS. The game is about 75% finished, but the endgame is not yet implemented. However, there is still a ton of content to enjoy in the current build.

StatusIn development
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(17 total ratings)
AuthorTeam Zynima
Made withGameMaker
Tags2D, blocks, Endless, GameMaker, Horror, Idle, Incremental, Management, Sci-fi, Space
Average sessionDays or more
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


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DIG-16 Beta 1.2 31 MB
DIG-16 Beta 1.1 31 MB

Development log


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Unless the decimal points in timers are the actual seconds, low FPS slows the actual game ticks down to a CRAWL, where 15 seconds take SEVERAL minutes.

Infact, the game tells me that in the last 54 minutes, I did 3 minutes of gameplay.

The little I saw of the game so far SEEMS interesting, but I believe this is unplayable.

I dont see anything that would cause this low FPS, I at first assumed a render was taking up ressources, but I tried again after it was done and nothing changed.

Binding tickspeed to FPS in an idle game seems unwise, unless something else is happening here.

Something's definitely going wrong if the game is running with FPS that low. Sadly I don't think I can help with this, since it's made with GM8, a legacy version of Game Maker with no official support anymore.

Since it's my first time ever making an idle game, I never thought about separating tick speed from FPS. But if I ever make another idle game in the future, that's something I'll do for sure. But thanks for the comment and sorry I couldn't be much help.

Aw man, thats a shame, it looks really cool.

still being worked on?

Not right now, but I will probably resume work on it at a later date.

We need collapse function on inventory categories. or full page for all goodies with no mouse scrolls. as game progresses, it's hard to track and browse all these items.

interesting game play and flavor texts..

Game is great however I want  small thing like another stat that shows me how much temp I can put untill I hit the limit like 1445C/1765C (320C ) so it's easier to know which way is more efficent in giving me more temp resistance. And that's the only thing that is annoying.

I played the game for a while (1d ingame), and reached 14k dps. I had quite some fun, and I also noticed some problems.

1. The storage limit mechanism doesn't interact with the rest of the game in a meaningful way. 

I suggest simply removing it. Even without storage limits, there are still many places to spend the money.

2. The pacing is way too slow. It's so slow, that it breaks a major part of game balance. 

At my current stage, it takes multiple hours to get anywhere, and it seems things will slow down even more as I progress. 

3. Manual mining is fun, but the game strongly discourages manual mining. This is mainly caused by the slow pacing. With things taking multiple hours to get anywhere, manual mining is simply irrelevant.

The game has quite some original designs, but they all depend on manual mining.

4. The weapons mechanism is interesting, but it's also affected by the balancing problem.

From what I see in the game, manual mining overrides fire rate by a constant (about 3/s), and by fast tapping space it can fire even faster. This makes slow firing weapons suitable for manual mining, and machine guns actually fire slower with manual.

For T2, Shotgun is good for manual mining, and still deals some dps for auto. Machine gun is optimal for auto but deals little damage in manual. 

Puncher is even more powerful on the paper. With green ammo, it has higher auto damage than machine gun. However, it costs a lot of power, which severely limits its use. Also, its AOE is hard to utilize in manual mining. Imagine a puncher bombing hard at a dense ore block, and all blocks below it is already empty. It's also more expensive than other T2 weapons, which means it's pretty impractical.

T3 introduces another choice: Charged shot. It has decent dmg for both auto and manual, and is the cheapest T3 weapon, but requires a pool of excess power to work properly. The same pool of excess power could be reused by multiple Chargers, so it's really powerful.

I really like the weapons balance of this game. However the slow pacing makes manual mining irrelevant, and most of this weapons balance goes out of the window.

5. Coolant seems useless. They are not worth their equipment slot.

T1 coolant only reduces heat by 10%, and I could simply just add another plating. T2 is 20% and faces the same problem. Maybe higher tier coolant could be useful.

I have 2 suggestions for this:

 a. Make all tiers of coolant more powerful, and nerf plating to compensate.

 b. Add a power cost to them. This will make coolant upgrade a more impactful choice.

6. Charged shot description says it depends on excess power in the rig.

However, the effect of excess power isn't continous. Increasing power is only useful if it crosses a certain threshold. These thresholds are currently hidden. I suggest the game should show these thresholds.

i just got this



action number 1

of Draw Event

for object obj_hud_factory:

Error in code at line 67:



at position 18: Unknown variable item1

huh, thanks for the report. do you remember where this error occurred?

i was just sitting in the factory while i went afk, came back to this. i did notice that i had two extra "basic foryte engines" that i didnt remove from any of the rigs. my current limit is 16 but i had 18

gotcha, I'll look into this!

(1 edit)

Mining with guns? Makes sense 😀Love this, great concept and quite original. Some points of feedback:

  • The pacing is way too slow, it takes ages to get your second gun
  • Having a giant timer on unlocking the next planet is not good, just make it a few minutes
  • The above problems are exacerbated by the fact the game does not progress when offline
  • I love the music, but it would be better if the tracks are all available from the start. I get what you're going for by tieing them to specific planets, they're like theme songs. But because the pacing is so slow, I was listening to the first track for a very long time. Additionally, it's a bit annoying that the tracks constantly reset when switching planets.

I hope you'll address these issues in an update. Looking forward to playing the rest of the game, without encountering any horror elements!

glad you're enjoying! <3

-sadly dig-16 is kind of a slower-paced game in general, i may tweak the tier 1 gun crafting times in beta 2 since it would be a little nicer to get players into the good stuff quicker.
-the intent behind the large timer was to have players focus on building up the rigs on their existing planets while unlocking the next one, but i can see how this might not be perfect design. i'll put that on the list of things to consider too.
-i've been thinking of adding a jukebox to the office where you can manually choose which songs to listen to, that way it's not always changing when going to new planets. i like the idea of keeping songs "locked" behind planets, but in future versions you'll most likely have more than one song available to start out with.

enjoy the absolute lack of horror elements!

Deleted 1 year ago

The game is very fun but PLEASE add a full screen feature, it is nearly impossible to do anything with how small the screen is. 

Also, make a discord. Would like to get updates on development and such.

F4 toggles fullscreen, and there is a discord server already (link can be found in the office in-game or on our site zynima.net)

This game is dope.

Hi, enjoying this game lots. However, is there any way to change a planet's drill type after selecting one?

hey, glad you're enjoying! sadly there is currently no way to change your rig type after initially building it, but this feature will be added in beta 2.

Cool! One more question: Is there a way to learn the blueprint for the equipments given by the office milestones? like the Quintet and Cold Circuit Generator.

not in this version, since they're just meant to be cheeky one-time items. however, i've been wanting to experiment with doing something special with them later on down the line -- maybe it'll be the ability to craft them? we'll see :>

(2 edits)

Maybe you could make it where you have to sacrifice (invest) the one you get to unlock the recipe? 

A few ways you could do this is to have it as a standard system readily available at the first time you obtain a "researchable equipment", or you could open it up as endgame content, where you get "Experitech" (name pending) to unlock the blueprints and possibly upgrade the blueprint item's effect itself, similar how Microtransactions applies to rigs.

Deleted 1 year ago

1 - "Any key" on the start screen does not include mouse buttons.

2 - Manually switching between manual and automatic digging is a waste of the player's time. It would be possible to simply turn on manual digging when the player presses the firing control buttons and turn on automatic if he does not press.

I'm enjoying the game, the upgrades feel really fun!

A couple issues I noticed:

1 - the locked items in the shop aren't actually locked. I accidentally clicked on some of the locked ore packs, and the transaction went through

2 - in addition to the lack of scroll bars, there's no way to learn that right clicking foundries pauses production. It makes me wonder if there are any other mechanics that aren't made clear.

oh no. that is a pretty severe bug lol, i don't know how i missed that x)

thanks so much for the reports, i'll be fixing/making these more clear later on.



(1 edit)

You must have been working a long time to make this game !

I really like the fact that it's hard to progress, it makes the feeling way better when you achieve to get a new weapons for exemple :)

Nice game

EDIT : Btw i've been playing more than a hour now and still have no idea how to unlock blueprints so i'm a bit stuck

i'm so glad to hear you're enjoying!

blueprints can be found near the bottom of the shop; you'll have to scroll your mouse wheel down to see them.

Yeah i've seen that after playing a bit more you should add a scrollbar to make it more obvious :)

Deleted 1 year ago

glad you're liking the game <3

-later on, auto dps vs. manual dps changes a lot depending on the weapons you use in your rig!

-unfortunately due to me using a legacy version of game maker to create dig-16, i don't have any options available for custom resolutions. sorry about that ;(

-inventory collapsing and hiding purchased in the shop are great ideas, i'll see about implementing them in the next build!

There seems to be something funky about your vulkan implementation that causes an assertion to fail. Looking online I just see stackexchange questions answered by the poster about "validating the state".

Specifically failing is the assertion "!status && vkCreateGraphicsPipelines", although said assertion is in a system library, so I dont' know how much it'll help

i'll be honest, i have no idea what vulkan or failed assertions are lol. i made this game with a legacy version of game maker, which doesn't use either of those terms in it, so unfortunately i don't think i can help you with this :(

Ahh okay, looks like your version of GM is doing something really wonky with DirectX which makes wine rather unhappy. The solution was to run GE's wine fork, although I have to wonder what GM's directx is doing that is breaking things!

thePalindrome: Update your drivers and see if that fixes things.

My drivers have been fully up to date, and queueing an update changed nothing, see my other reply for more technical details