- A-band
- A-scan
- Abbe number
- abbreviated dialling
- abnormal
- abruption
- absentee
- absolute deviation
- absolute priority
- absolute unit
- absorption
- absorption bands
- absorptivity
- abstract code
- accentuate
- accentuation
- accentuator
- acceptance cone
- acceptance region
- acceptor
- acceptor impurity
- access code
- access point
- accessory equipment
- acid gas
- acoustic noise
- acoustic telegraph
- acoustic telegraphy
- acquittance
- across the line
- acrylic acid
- active antenna
- active filter
- actuator
- ad hoc committee
- adapter
- adaptive equalizer
- adaptive predictive coding
- Adcock array
- addition theorem
- additive
- additive group
- address
- address decoder
- addressing
- adjacent channel
- adjoint operator
- adjuster
- advection fog
- advice of charge
- aerial cable
- aeronautical
- aeronautical radio station
- aerophare
- aerophone
- affiliates
- affine general linear group
- aim point
- air line
- air-to-air missile
- airborne radar
- airwave
- Airy function
- alarm
- algebraically independent
- alias
- aliasing
- align
- alignment
- all-pass filter
- allocator
- allpass filter
- alternate route
- alternating bilinear form
- alternative frequency
- altimeter
- altitude
- alumina
- amateur band
- amateur operator
- amateur radio
- amateur radio service
- amateur satellite
- ambiguity
- ambiguity diagram
- ambiguity function
- ambiguous
- Ampere's law
- amplifier gain
- amplitude
- amplitude modulator
- amplitude spectrum
- analog
- analog filter
- analog modulation
- analog signal
- analog signal processing
- analog transmission
- analog waveform
- ancillary data
- anechoic chamber
- angels
- angle modulation
- angle of elevation
- angle of reflection
- angle of refraction
- angular acceleration
- angular dispersion
- angular frequency
- angular speed
- angular velocity
- announcer
- anomalous scattering
- antenna aperture
- antenna array
- antenna bandwidth
- antenna feed
- antenna socket
- antenna switch
- antenna temperature
- antenna tuner
- anti-aliasing filter
- anti-fading antenna
- anti-logarithm
- anti-satellite
- antinode
- antireflection coating
- antireflective coating
- aperiodic
- aperture
- aperture efficiency
- apex
- apogee
- apparent temperature
- Appleton layer
- application layer
- AR process
- arc discharge
- architecture
- area code
- area control center
- arithmetic code
- arithmetic coding
- arithmetic encoder
- armored cable
- array
- array antennas
- array factor
- arrester
- articulation
- articulation index
- artificial dielectrics
- ascending node
- aspect ratio
- aspheric lens
- assembly code
- association scheme
- astigmatism
- astronomical constant
- astronomical satellite
- asymmetric
- asynchronous
- atmospheric absorption
- atmospheric ducting
- atmospheric emission
- atmospheric noise
- atmospheric refraction
- atmospheric turbulence
- atmospheric window
- attachment
- attendant
- attenuators
- attitude
- audible ring
- audibleness
- audio
- audio data
- audio frequency
- audio frequency shift keying
- audio track
- Auger recombination
- aurora
- authentication
- authenticator
- autocode
- autocoder
- autocorrelation
- autocorrelation function
- autocovariance function
- autodial
- autodyne reception
- autohead
- automatic digital network
- automatic telephone exchange
- automatic transmission
- autopilot
- autotune
- auxiliary line
- auxiliary route
- avalanche photo-diode