
NGC 3561

天球赤道座標星圖 11h 11m 41s, 28° 38′ 41″
NGC 3561
SDSS拍攝的NGC 3561
觀測資料(J2000 曆元
赤經11h 11m 13.2s[1]
赤緯 28° 41′ 47″[1]
徑向速度8804 km/s[2]
距離412.3 Mly(126.41 Mpc[3]
視星等 (V)14.5[2]
類型A: Sa[4]
B: E5[5]
角直徑 (V)1.36 x 0.69[2]
A: Arp 105、​UGC 6224、​MCG 05-27-010、​PGC 33991[4]
B: MCG 05-27-011、​PGC 33992[5]

NGC 3561又名Arp 105,由一對交互作用星系NGC 3561A與NGC 3561B組成,位於大熊座A1185星系團[6]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Myers, S. T; Jackson, N. J; Browne, I. W. A; De Bruyn, A. G; Pearson, T. J; Readhead, A. C. S; Wilkinson, P. N; Biggs, A. D; Blandford, R. D; Fassnacht, C. D; Koopmans, L. V. E; Marlow, D. R; McKean, J. P; Norbury, M. A; Phillips, P. M; Rusin, D; Shepherd, M. C; Sykes, C. M. The Cosmic Lens All-Sky Survey - I. Source selection and observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2003, 341 (1): 1–12. Bibcode:2003MNRAS.341....1M. S2CID 18706420. arXiv:astro-ph/0211073可免費查閱. doi:10.1046/j.1365-8711.2003.06256.x. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 NED results for object NGC 3561. NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database. National Aeronautics and Space Administration / Infrared Processing and Analysis Center英語Infrared Processing and Analysis Center. [23 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於2019-12-07). 
  3. ^ Crook, Aidan C.; Huchra, John P.; Martimbeau, Nathalie; Masters, Karen L.; Jarrett, Tom; Macri, Lucas M. Groups of Galaxies in the Two Micron All Sky Redshift Survey. The Astrophysical Journal. 2007, 655 (2): 790–813. Bibcode:2007ApJ...655..790C. S2CID 11672751. arXiv:astro-ph/0610732可免費查閱. doi:10.1086/510201. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 NVSS J111112 284243. SIMBAD. 斯特拉斯堡天文資料中心. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 NGC 3561. SIMBAD. 斯特拉斯堡天文資料中心. 
  6. ^ Galaxies with Proper Names

