編組站的內容已併入編組場。併入來源重新導向至此。可在該重新導向頁面的歷史記錄檢視貢獻歷史和舊版本,關於來源條目的討論請查閱其討論頁。 |
Unfortunately I do not speak and I cannot read Chinese, but also following the (very bad) babelfish translation there something seems to be wrong: obviously 編組場 does NOT describe the railroad facility which means in German «Rangierbahnhof», in French «gare de triage», in Italian «scalo di smistamento» etc. because all these in Chinese mean: «編組站»!! Please compare also the picture of the small rail yard in this article with the images of large HUMP yards for FREIGHT trains in various of the non-chinese articles linked to this one. By the way for more clearness especially for Chinese readers - some large examples for hump classification yards in China are: Haerbin Nan, Shenyang Xi, Fengtai Xi (Beijing), Zhengzhou Bei, Xuzhou Bei, Nanjing Dong, Nanxiang (Shanghai), Zhuzhou Bei etc.; at all of the type which is described in the other articles. Thus I suggest to check and to correct it at all. Michael.
編輯「调车場」 → 「調車場」:R3適用--ssantochowT 2015年12月22日 (二) 16:16 (UTC)
- ( ✓ )同意,居然移不了只能由管理來處理了-- .. 2015年12月23日 (三) 01:08 (UTC)
- 新方案:經查修訂歷史,本條目最初標題為「編組場」,由User:冀察熱遼移動至「调车場」,因此建議重新移動至最初的「編組場」。而異地譯名問題已經由手工轉換執行。--ssantochowT 2015年12月23日 (三) 04:26 (UTC)
- 完成--Lakokat 2015年12月26日 (六) 10:38 (UTC)