

姓名原文Johann Chrysostomos Wolfgang Gottlieb Mozart
出生日1756年1月27號 喺Wikidata改呢個
出生地薩爾斯堡 喺Wikidata改呢個
本名Joannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart
死亡日1791年12月5號 喺Wikidata改呢個 (35歲)
死亡地維也納 (神聖羅馬帝國喺Wikidata改呢個
死因未知 喺Wikidata改呢個
國籍Prince-Archbishopric of Salzburg 喺Wikidata改呢個
母語德文 喺Wikidata改呢個
識嘅語言德文 喺Wikidata改呢個
信奉天主敎 喺Wikidata改呢個
職業作曲家、music educator、鋼琴家、音樂人、風琴師、violinist 喺Wikidata改呢個
風格古典主義音樂、sardana、室樂歌劇交響曲 喺Wikidata改呢個
僱主Count Hieronymus von Colloredo、約瑟夫二世 喺Wikidata改呢個
名作The Magic Flute、The Marriage of Figaro、Don Giovanni、Così fan tutte、Die Entführung aus dem Serail、Symphony No. 40、Eine kleine Nachtmusik、Requiem 喺Wikidata改呢個
配偶Constanze Mozart 喺Wikidata改呢個
仔女Karl Mozart、Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart 喺Wikidata改呢個
家族Mozart family 喺Wikidata改呢個
阿爸利奧波德莫札特 喺Wikidata改呢個
阿媽Anna Maria Mozart 喺Wikidata改呢個
兄弟姊妹Maria Anna Mozart 喺Wikidata改呢個

胡爾夫岡·阿瑪迪烏斯·莫札特德文Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,浸名德文Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart1756年1月27號1791年12月5號),又譯做莫差爾特,係古典時期一位好有影響力嘅作曲家

佢嘅作品有成 600 幾首,包括佢出名嘅交響曲室樂鋼琴歌劇合唱音樂。莫札特係歐洲作曲家之中最長受歡迎,佢嘅作品係演奏會必備[未記出處或冇根據]








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  • Barry, Barbara R. (2000). The Philosopher's Stone: Essays in the Transformation of Musical Structure. Hillsdale, New York: Pendragon Press. ISBN 978-1-57647-010-7. OCLC 466918491.
  • Deutsch, Otto Erich (1965). Mozart: A Documentary Biography. Peter Branscombe, Eric Blom, Jeremy Noble (trans.). Stanford: Stanford University Press. ISBN 978-0-8047-0233-1. OCLC 8991008.
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  • Freeman, Daniel E. (2013). Mozart in Prague. Minneapolis: Bearclaw. ISBN 978-0-9794223-1-7.
  • Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians (第V版). New York: Macmillam Press. 1954.
  • Gutman, Robert (2000). Mozart: A Cultural Biography. London: Harcourt Brace. ISBN 978-0-15-601171-6. OCLC 45485135.
  • Halliwell, Ruth (1998). The Mozart Family: Four Lives in a Social Context. New York City: Clarendon Press. ISBN 978-0-19-816371-8. OCLC 36423516.
  • Haberl, Dieter (2006). "Beethovens erste Reise nach Wien: die Datierung seiner Schülerreise zu W.A. Mozart". Neues Musikwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch (德文) (14). OCLC 634798176.
  • Heartz, Daniel (2003). Music in European Capitals: The Galant Style, 1720–1780 (第1版). New York City: W. W. Norton & Company. ISBN 978-0-393-05080-6. OCLC 50693068.
  • Landon, Howard Chandler Robbins (1990). 1791: Mozart's Last Year. London: Flamingo. ISBN 978-0-00-654324-4. OCLC 20932333.
  • Lorenz, Michael (9 August 2010). "Mozart's Apartment on the Alsergrund". 喺27 September 2010搵到.
  • March, Ivan; Greenfield, Edward; Layton, Robert (2005). Czajkowski, Paul (編). Penguin Guide to Compact Discs And DVDs, 2005–2006 (第30版). London: Penguin. ISBN 978-0-14-102262-8. OCLC 416204627.
  • Mozart, Wolfgang; Mozart, Leopold (1966). Anderson, Emily (編). The Letters of Mozart and his Family (第2版). London: Macmillan. ISBN 978-0-393-02248-3. OCLC 863813.
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  • Rosen, Charles (1998). The Classical Style: Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven (第2版). New York City: W. W. Norton & Company. ISBN 978-0-393-31712-1. OCLC 246977555.
  • Sadie, Stanley, 編 (1998). The New Grove Dictionary of Opera. New York: Grove's Dictionaries of Music. ISBN 978-0-333-73432-2. OCLC 39160203.
  • Sadie, Stanley, 編 (1980). The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (第6版). London: Macmillan. ISBN 978-0-333-23111-1. OCLC 5676891.
  • Solomon, Maynard (1995). Mozart: A Life (第1版). New York City: HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-019046-0. OCLC 31435799.
  • Steptoe, Andrew (1990). The Mozart–Da Ponte Operas: The Cultural and Musical Background to Le nozze di Figaro, Don Giovanni, and Così fan tutte. Oxford: Clarendon Press. ISBN 978-0-19-816221-6. OCLC 22895166.
  • "Award of the Papal Equestrian Order of the "Golden Spur" to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart". Vatican Secret Archives. 4 7月 1770. 原著喺18 9月 2010歸檔. 喺27 9月 2010搵到.
  • Wakin, Daniel J. (24 August 2010). "After Mozart's Death, an Endless Coda". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331.
  • Wilson, Peter Hamish (1999). The Holy Roman Empire, 1495–1806. London: MacMillan.
  • Wolff, Christoph (2012). Mozart at the Gateway to His Fortune: Serving the Emperor, 1788–1791. New York: Norton. ISBN 978-0-393-05070-7.



