Insect Cavern

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Insect CavernThis name is derived from text in British English. is the fourth Dungeon in Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland.[1]

Entrance to the Cavern

The structure is located on a mound located within the Gooey Swamp. The entrance is swarming with large bees, and it cannot be accessed until the Queen Bee offers to take Tingle to the top of the mound for a price. The actual doorway will not open until Tingle has activated four Switches located throughout the swamp. To do this, he must blast the stone-covered switches with a Tingle Bomb.

The inside of the Cavern is poorly lit. It will cost Tingle 3,000 Rupees to enter through the main gate. Shortly after entering, Teddy Todo will make an appearance, and disappear.

Themes and Navigation

Through the Dungeon are chambers filled with poison gas, large spikes, and various other traps. There are a total of three Insect Heads, each of which must be destroyed to continue on. The Insect Heads act as mini mini-bosses. Part of their bodies lie in the underground Cavern, while their heads stick through various caves in the Overworld. They are destroyed when Tingle throws a total of three bombs at each and makes contact.

The Boss of this level is the Ultra Death Bug, which is very similar to the boss in Hero's Shrine. After the boss has taken a lot of damage, and morphed a time or two, it will take on the form of Gargantu-Bug, which is far superior to its previous forms. After it is destroyed, his body will yield 40,000 Rupees.[2]


Names in Other Regions
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See Also
