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Not to be confused with Wallmaster.

Floormasters,(OoTOcarina of Time | MMMajora's Mask | OoSOracle of Seasons | OoAOracle of Ages | TWWThe Wind Waker | FSAFour Swords Adventures | TMCThe Minish Cap)[1] also stylized as Floor Masters,(TMCThe Minish Cap)[2] are recurring Enemies in The Legend of Zelda series.


Ocarina of Time

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When it splits up, destroy all the pieces before they reunite!

Floormasters hover over the ground and glow green before attacking in Ocarina of Time. A single Sword swipe will split Floormasters into three miniature hands that will regenerate into the main figure if given enough time. These small hands tend to grab hold of Link's neck, providing an opportunity for the others to jump on and deal auxiliary damage. Occasionally these enemies may also be invisible, requiring use of the Lens of Truth to see them.

Majora's Mask

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You know the Floormaster, right? If you don't do something about its pieces before they can reunite...

Oracle of Seasons

Floormasters appear in the Gnarled Root Dungeon, Poison Moth's Lair, Ancient Ruins, and Onox's Castle in Oracle of Seasons. They appear from walls and take Link back to the beginning of their respective Dungeons.

Oracle of Ages

Floormasters appear in the Mermaid's Cave and the Ancient Tomb in Oracle of Ages. They appear from walls and take Link back to the beginning of their respective Dungeons.

The Wind Waker

Habitat: Forsaken Fortress
Personality: Surprisingly lonely

These creatures use their long hands to grab their victims, which they then yank into another room. They occasionally grab nearby vases and throw them.

I've spotted a Floor Master!

It's quick, but your sword can destroy it!

Floormasters will rise from the ground and try to grab Link in The Wind Waker. If the Floormaster succeeds, Link will be pulled to the beginning of the Dungeon. Link can defeat Floormasters by hitting them with his Sword, or by freezing them with Ice Arrows and subsequently smashing them with the Skull Hammer. Floormasters will pick up Vases, chairs, and other objects nearby to use as projectiles against Link, given he is within the foe's range.

Four Swords Adventures

Floormasters in Four Swords Adventures appear in the Lost Woods, and cannot be killed, but can be stunned briefly. If a Floormaster grabs Link, it will pull him into the Dark World.

The Minish Cap

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Floor Master
Appears in dungeons.
If these guys grab you, they'll send you back to the start of the dungeon.
Watch out when he attacks with others.

Floormasters appear in the Palace of Winds and Dark Hyrule Castle in The Minish Cap. Unlike their Wallmaster counterparts, they are always visible in rooms. If a Floormaster touches Link, it will not deal any damage, but will return him to the beginning of the Dungeon. They can be defeated with a single Arrow.[note 1]


  • The Floormasters of The Wind Waker are the only kind that do not drag Link all the way back to the beginning of a Dungeon when grabbed. They instead take him a short distance back, or to the beginning of the room in question.
  • Some of the sounds Floormasters make in The Wind Waker were recycled from Majora.


Names in Other Regions
フロアマスター (Furoamasutā) (TWWThe Wind Waker)[6]Same as English.
The People's Republic of China
地魔手 (Dì mó shǒu) (MMMajora's Mask | MM3DMajora's Mask 3D | OoSOracle of Seasons)[9]Floor Demon Hand
The French Republic
La Main (TWWThe Wind Waker)[8]The Hand
The Federal Republic of Germany
Todesgrapscher (TWWThe Wind Waker)[7] 
The Italian Republic
  • Mano Diabolica (MMMajora's Mask | OoSOracle of Seasons | FSAFour Swords Adventures)[3]
  • Mano diabolica (MM3DMajora's Mask 3D)[5]
  • Mano Nera (TWWThe Wind Waker)[4]
  • Diabolical Hand
  • Diabolical hand
  • Black Hand
The Kingdom of Spain
Floormaster (TWWThe Wind Waker)[10] 
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.

Other Names

These names, though from official English sources, are not considered Canon by Zelda Wiki as they contradict a name or names from a higher-priority source.


See Also


  1. In the PAL version of The Minish Cap, they require two Arrows instead.


  1. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 177 (OoTOcarina of Time | OoT3DOcarina of Time 3D | MMMajora's Mask | MM3DMajora's Mask 3D | OoSOracle of Seasons | OoAOracle of Ages | TWWThe Wind Waker | TWWHDThe Wind Waker HD | FSAFour Swords Adventures | TMCThe Minish Cap)
  2. Floor Master — Figurine (The Minish Cap)
  3. Enciclopedia di Hyrule, Magazzini Salani, pg. 177
  4. Mano Nera
    Habitat: Fortezza dei Demoni.
    Caratteristica: lugubre.
    — Nintendo Gallery (The Wind Waker)
  5. Conoscerai sicuramente la mano diabolica, no? — Tatl (Majora's Mask 3D, Italian version)
  6. フロアマスター
    生息(せいそく)場所(ばしょ) 魔獣島(まじゅうとう)
    性格(せいかく) 意外(いがい)(さび)しがり
    — Nintendo Gallery (The Wind Waker)
  7. Todesgrapscher
    Heimat: Die Verwunschene Bastion
    Charakter: fühlt sich ziemlich einsam
    — Nintendo Gallery (The Wind Waker)
  8. La Main
    Lieu de résidence: Forteresse Maudite.
    Caractère: maussade et solitaire.
    — Nintendo Gallery (The Wind Waker)
  9. 塞尔达传说:百科全书, New Star Press, pg. 174
  10. Floormaster
    Hábitat: Isla del Diablo
    Personalidad: Exasperante
    — Nintendo Gallery (The Wind Waker)
  11. The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures—The Official Nintendo Player's Guide, Nintendo of America, pg. 57