A downloadable asset pack

Gradually I'll be adding to these graphics various tilesets and such, in various styles. I'm doing this to practice pixel art.

Generally I take inspiration from some CC0/pub-domain tiles, so I'll try to keep a Dev Log of my inspirations for everything. (The toon blocks are 16x16 versions of the 32x32 red and yellow blocks from the floppy bunny game, which is in the public domain, as is the game it's based on, "Pydza". Much of the inspiration for this is a 16x16 remake of floppy bunny, or rather, it will be.)

I wanted these tiles to be totally compatible and inspired by GrafxKid’s tileset here ( https://opengameart.org/content/arcade-platformer-assets ), which is also CC0 licensed. Actually, I think this tileset would work well with all of GrafxKid’s sprites and platformer tilesets on OGA ( https://opengameart.org/users/grafxkid ).

All my graphics here are CC0 licensed. You can use them in commercial games, you do not have to give me credit (although it's nice if you do).

I am still adding to the tileset with various stuff... Check back every week or two... :)

StatusIn development
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
AuthorZed Hanok
Tags2D, graphics, Pixel Art, Tileset


zed-toon-tileset02.png 5.1 kB
zed-toon-tileset01.png 1.9 kB
zed_platformer0-original-version.png 1.5 kB

Install instructions

Generally either 16x16 or maybe 24x24 in the future... If you have trouble with the size, try slicing into 8x8 tiles as a last resort, as my tilesets, on occasion, mix 8px, 16px and 24px tiles in a way that can be all broken into 8x8. (For instance, the latest tileset has a carrot that is a bit oversized, about 16x24, and may need to be either two 16x16 tiles or a few 8x8's -- whichever works better for you. I'll try not to do that too much, but I'm a slave to my artistic expression! :)

Development log


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Nice stuff!! (And thanks for joining the jam btw)

Used some of your sprites here: https://gazler.itch.io/box-olympics

Thank you!

( 1)

Cool! :D