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Wow, Sylla. This demo is awesome. The whole she-bang with writing, cocky dialogue, your art style, music, sfx, even programming with the zooming and panning.  Seriously, I'm hooked.  Rock on and keep up the great work!  

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I really liked what you have so far, great work! Loved the art - the MC is gorgeous btw - the backgrounds, and the overall eary/sinister vibes of it all. I'm seriously interested in how things will develop, not only story/plot wise but also the game itself. So much potential here! Looking forward to more :)

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Thank you for creating an otome game with BOTH adult content and horror themes!

The things i loved most were:

- Mercy! Finally a not-so-nice protagonist!

- Art and GUI, really conveying the eerie and dark vibe of the game

- Your writing style, flowy and nice to read


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I'm impressed. This is very different. I can't wait for more updates. Great work! The sound effects were nice & I like the story so far ^^

ahhhh thank you so much! i hope youll enjoy the next update where you actually get to play as mercenya and get up to some shenanigans with the boys!

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Thank you. I can't wait!

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Let me just say - I'm SO PROUD TO SEE HOW ITS ALL COMING TOGETHER! I've seen snippets of how hard you've worked at figuring out animations (such as the rain, which looks AMAZING).

I can tell you put a lot of love into this, the way you used the music combined with the transitions/effects/ etc was very artistic!

Also, I've said this for forever when I read through the little snippets, but you have a very FLOWERY writing style! It's so nice to read something that's been thought out and it just flows together in such a nice way that doesn't leave the reader feeling stupid AND it's very satisfying. You can really picture the description in your head (though the art and stuff more than does it for you).

The art style is amazing too. It's so beautiful and all the characters look great! You already know who my favorite is >:)

Can't wait to see more! <3

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ty for all the kind words snakkz 😭❤️

as for your favorite...perhaps the rizzlord will make an appearance next update

( 2)

OHHH this all came together BEAUTIFULLY, it's looking fantastic! The start menu and GUI all really set this eerie tone, and I love the rain effect along with the SFX, it's very atmospheric. The music is REALLY well chosen. The art looks STUNNING, the sprite along with the CG, and the slightly sketchy style and desaturated colors really fits the somber mood in the city. The writing is excellent, with really poetic and beautiful descriptions along with fittingly realistic and natural-sounding dialogue. 

I am really blown away by the sheer number of transitions and effects that were used in just this small prologue! It's honestly inspiring, and I am taking really helped the visuals seem extremely dynamic, and I loved all of the movements, close-ups, and different angles. 

This prologue really serves as a good introduction to the world, starting with a scene that feels fairly mundane (although slightly infuriating) while gradually transitioning into the more horrific and fantastical elements. The writing is very visceral and "gets under your skin" in best way.

Looking forward to the updates!!!

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LOL bit late with my reply here but thank you so much chatter! especially from the karamu atmosphere queen, these are all very high praises

i hope to get under your skin in an even better way in the next update 😉

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Hey! I played the demo and wow, it was already very polished!

The GUI was cohesive-looking and fit the tone of what was displayed of the game so far! The music was also carefully chosen, composed and implemented. The sprite work was very good, the edit of the backgrounds was efficient, and what really sold them all is the EXTRMELY qualitative implementation!! Blurs, zooms, dissolves, a whole array of tools used SO efficiently, wow!!!!! Honestly, that's inspiring!!

Story-wise, this is extremely interesting so far! Let it be what we learn of the lore of the universe, than about the protagonist we play as and his visions of women and sexuality. The situation ended up being cruelly but oh so satisfyingly ironic. The game managed to be frightening when it wanted to be, and similarly horrifying. It is impressive to make players experience so many nuances of horror already!!

What can I say, but that I'm looking forward to the next update! This is already an amazing job, Sylla, and I hope you're proud of you!! And, of course, I can't recommend enough anyone reading this to play the game: I tried to keep my comment spoiler-free, because I really think discovering the very peculiar but perfectly orchestrated tone of this short introduction by yourself really contributes to the experience!

EDIT: I forgot to underline it, but the writing was truly excellent, being both fluid and yet very elegant to read!

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omg chim, this comment has nearly brought me to tears 😭 i knew if anyone would appreciate the work that went into all the transition and camera stuff, itd be you! it means a lot coming from my much more accomplished senior dev

thank you so much for all the praise and for giving it a chance, i hope i can wow you when the actual meat and potatoes is ready to be played!!