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The OWASP DevSecOps Maturity Model (DSOMM)

The OWASP DevSecOps Maturity Model (DSOMM) is a framework for assessing and improving DevSecOps practices.

Wiz Expertenteam
6 Minuten Lesezeit

The OWASP DevSecOps Maturity Model (DSOMM) is a framework for assessing and improving DevSecOps practices. 

With methods for communicating goals to stakeholders and a roadmap for progressively enhancing application security, the DSOMM empowers you to reduce development time and costs, increase agility and innovation, gain better visibility into security risks, improve collaboration, and achieve compliance and governance goals. Simply put, with the OWASP DevSecOps Maturity Model, you can shift your security left and prevent breaches at any stage of the software development lifecycle.

Let’s walk through the maturity levels of the DSOMM to learn how to bolster security while streamlining security processes.

Initial stage: Siloed teams and reactive security

Organizations that don’t implement DevSecOps have siloed development, operations, and product owners. Releases follow a waterfall model with manual processes, meaning security considerations are pushed to the end of the development cycle. The end result is that vulnerabilities are discovered late and require costly fixes.

Level 1: Basic understanding of security practices

During this stage of the DSOMM, security practices are inconsistent and informal, varying by project and sprint. Developers may have some awareness of basic security threats, but the organization lacks a systematic approach to identifying and mitigating these threats during development. 

Processes rely heavily on individual experience rather than structured methodologies, and security training occurs ad-hoc without a formal schedule. Security experts are only consulted when explicitly requested, and processes are often undocumented, leading to inadequate historical data for improvement.

Setting up more robust processes

Threat modeling should be performed continuously throughout the development process, and it should become more detailed over time. Update the threat model after significant events such as new feature planning, version releases, security incidents, or infrastructure changes.

Conduct ad-hoc threat modeling for high-risk applications using simple checklists like STRIDE. Focus on whiteboarding general data flows and high-level system architecture, and integrate basic threat modeling into the Definition of Done to ensure security is consistently addressed. These steps establish a security-first mindset and lay the groundwork for more advanced practices as the organization matures.

Next, establish basic business continuity and disaster recovery practices (like failovers and backups) to mitigate existential threats.


Use this checklist for Level 1 implementation during each phase of the SDLC



Figure 1: Wiz CI/CD scans
  • Version control for artifacts, application, and infrastructure code

  • Prevention of accidental updates or skipped CI/CD checks

  • Scanning for secrets in code and container images

  • Enforced commit signing

Testing and verification

  • Opportunistic and discretionary testing

  • Testing of major functionality and testing for obvious vulnerabilities

Building and deployment

  • Automated CI/CD process

  • Defined build process to reduce manual intervention

  • Security patch policy for prioritizing, scheduling, and validating patches

  • Use of tools like Dependabot for managing third-party dependencies


  • Centralized system logging

  • Simple budget metrics tracking

  • Basic system metrics monitoring

Level 2: Adoption of basic security practices

At this level, each software development team designates a "security champion" to act as a liaison between information security and the team. Security champions receive specialized, ongoing training to become subject-matter experts, ensuring they stay up-to-date on the latest security threats and practices. They assist in researching, verifying, and prioritizing security defects, and participate in risk assessments, threat assessments, and architectural reviews to improve application resilience and reduce attack surfaces.

All team members involved in software management, development, testing, or auditing should undergo regular security training. This training raises awareness of security threats, best practices, and secure design principles such as least privilege, defense-in-depth, and the OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities.



  • Virtualized environments for applications

  • Automated backups and rollback procedures

  • Baseline hardening that adheres to security best practices

  • Separate test and production environments

  • Resource limitation to prevent denial-of-service issues


  • Unit testing for important security features

Building and deployment

  • Virtual environments for managing third-party systems and libraries

  • Pinning artifacts and creating a software bill of materials (SBOM)

  • Nightly builds for base images and use of distroless images

  • Secrets management through environment variables

  • Clear decommissioning process for unused resources

Testing and verification

  • Shift left in CI/CD pipelines to enforce hardening best practices

  • Simple visualization and reporting tools for vulnerabilities

  • Dynamic component coverage, including client-side components

  • Role-based testing

  • Exposed services testing

Monitoring and measurement

  • Improved visualizations for easier anomaly detection

  • Proactive alerts for security incidents

Level 3: High adoption of security practices

At this level, standardization, automation, visibility, and transparency enable learning and continuous improvement. Tests, reports, metrics, and alerts are regularly updated for relevancy.

Threat modeling is standardized, including the assessment of business functionality during product backlog creation. User stories are created alongside abuse stories, ensuring security considerations are a top priority during development.

Security education is highly interactive and gamified with activities like build-it / fix-it contests, lessons-learned sessions, mob hacking, and bug bashes. Security peer reviews occur for all infrastructure and application code, and a change management process logs all system changes.




  • Integration of security checks into IDEs using linting plugins

Testing and verification

  • Enhanced CI/CD pipeline guardrails

  • Restriction of syscalls using mechanisms like seccomp

  • Testing for complex authentication and authorization vulnerabilities

  • Inclusion of internal or hidden functionality in testing

  • Extension of software composition analysis and static analysis to client-side software

  • Integration tests for secure communication in distributed architectures

  • Effective vulnerability management systems

  • Application hardening as per AASVS level 2

Building and deployment

  • Comprehensive SBOM, vulnerability assessment, and code/artifact signing

  • Encrypted and restricted access to secrets

  • Rolling deployments to minimize disruptions

Monitoring and measurement

  • Reports on patch management and threat response

  • Improved time to recovery through organized observability data

Level 4: Very high adoption of security practices

Here, the team has a deep understanding of security standards and can come up with more advanced abuse stories. Threat modeling is comprehensive and fully integrated with the SDLC. CI/CD features comprehensive automated guardrails that ensure alignment with a full range of security and compliance requirements and produce easily understood and operationalized reports and metrics.

Security is no longer siloed; it is seen as the responsibility of the entire team. The focus is on getting early feedback and fast remediation. Teams engage in war games and mutually test the security of systems they are not directly developing. Experts are regularly called in to educate the team on the latest and best practices.



  • Production-like development and test environments

Testing and verification

  • Advanced testing techniques (smoke testing, chaos testing)

  • Comprehensive coverage using various static analysis and security scanners

  • Informative and reproducible tickets for easy prioritization and fixing

Building and deployment

  • Promotion of the same artifact through lower environments

  • High release frequency with short-lived artifacts and feature toggles

Monitoring and measurement

  • Consolidated and contextualized metrics

  • Visualization of defense metrics

Level 5: Advanced deployment of security practices at scale

At this level, the team is already operating at a high level of security but needs to implement formal processes to scale for a larger organization (more personnel, more systems). Periodic security reviews of code and architecture are conducted among security experts, developers, and operations.



Testing and verification

  • Tests with telemetry for performance and security insights

  • Very high test coverage with almost all defects fixed

Building and deployment

  • Deployment of only tested, hardened, and signed artifacts

  • Advanced deployment techniques (canary, blue-green)

Monitoring and measurement

  • Aggregated and centralized data from multiple sources

  • Proactive threat response using automated log and metric auditing

How can Wiz help?

Wiz supports the OWASP DevSecOps Maturity Model by integrating security practices throughout the software development lifecycle (SDLC) and ensuring continuous security monitoring and enforcement. Here are some key ways Wiz aligns with the model:

  1. Shift Left Security: Wiz integrates with your CI/CD pipeline, IDE, and VCS to detect and remediate vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and secrets early in the development process. This proactive approach helps prevent security issues from reaching production.

  2. Continuous Monitoring: Wiz continuously scans your cloud environment for vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and other security risks. This ensures that any deviations from security baselines are detected and addressed promptly.

  3. Automation and Integration: Wiz offers built-in integrations with ticketing, workflow, and messaging applications, enabling automated routing of security issues to the appropriate teams. This facilitates efficient remediation and policy enforcement.

  4. Unified Security Policies: Wiz enforces a homogeneous set of security policies across your development pipeline and cloud environment. This ensures consistency and reduces the risk of security drift.

  5. Comprehensive Risk Analysis: Wiz uses a security graph to model your cloud architecture and identify the most critical risk combinations. This helps prioritize remediation efforts based on the potential impact.

Secure your SDLC from start to finish

See why Wiz is one of the few cloud security platforms that security and devops teams both love to use.

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