Hello Linda
Thanks again for your input today on creating items on journals with different spellings.
I have a suggestion in connection with sub-classifying journals. Of course "scientific" journal is already included as a class, yet there are different sciences and maybe some people would challenge the notion that religion is a science, yet of course a lot of theological colleges, academies or other institutions or simply pubishers have produced theological journals or journals on theology. On the other hand, there are clearly mathematic journals / journals on mathematics, chemistry, physics, but also beekeeping, gardening, viticulture (Weinanbau) etc.
I would like to suggest thinking about such a sub-differentiation or is the idea to choose "scientific journal" and e.g. "viticulture" as 2 classifying items and the machine thinks this together as a scientific journal on mathematics or viticulture.
SelbstverstƤndlich kƶnnen wir auch Deutsch schreiben, ich wusste nicht, was auf einer internationalen Plattform angebrachter ist.
Also I would like to ask whether you can advise me why my newly created items Q128797120 and Q128795557 do not have the title of the journal as title of the datasheet, while Q15756238. Is this because only the English version of a title is accepted as the title? (Sorry I have just learnt creating new items today, am a full newcomer)