User:Abián/Zaragoza without image

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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?article ?coord ?instance WHERE { ?item wdt:P131* wd:Q10305. OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P625 ?coord. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P31 ?instance. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P18 ?image. } OPTIONAL { ?article schema:about ?item ; schema:isPartOf <> .} SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "es,en". } FILTER (!BOUND(?image)) . } ORDER BY ?itemLabel LIMIT 1000
?item ?article ?coord ?instance
#2 41.638080348/-0.935055198 sculpture
11th Light Armored Cavalry Regiment Españaía_«España» cavalry Regiment of Spain
armored reconnaissance regiment
1987 Zaragoza military bus bombing 41.65727/-0.881258 bus bombing
car bombing
terrorist attack
bomb attack
1990 Clinic of Zaragoza radiotherapy accidentógico_del_Hospital_Clínico_de_Zaragoza 41.64329/-0.9033 accident
20th Field Artillery Regiment artillery regiment of Spain
field artillery regiment
4th Emergency Intervention Battalion (BIEM IV) battalion (Spain)
military unit
Aben Aire street 41.657671065/-0.883389935 street
Acampo García 1992 41.690281/-1.095207 triangulation station
Agua y viento 41.657134733/-0.928435894 work of art
Alfocea 41.724542225/-0.951381658 neighborhood in Zaragoza
populated place nucleus
district of Zaragoza
Almozara 41.66124/-0.90169 neighborhood in Zaragoza
Alto del Molino 41.717881/-0.800245 triangulation station
Anglada-Camarasa (1871-1959) exhibition
Anillo Verde de Zaragoza itinerary
Antena Aragonón television station
Antigua Fábrica de Cartonaje 41.65027/-0.89491 industrial building
Antiguo Monasterio de Santa Inés de Zaragoza 41.656675539/-0.891010324 destroyed monastery
Aragonese Foundation for Research & Development 41.650858/-0.889144 nonprofit organization
Aragón Health Science Institute 41.642563/-0.901919 facility
Aragón Materials Science Institute 41.642116/-0.950032 facility
research institute
Aragón Musicalón_Musical nonprofit organization
voluntary association
Arciprestazgo de San Valero archpriesthood
Arcosur 41.6262886/-0.9571761 neighborhood in Zaragoza
Ariño square 41.653823959/-0.878186585 square
Armijo 41.51761/-0.89643 triangulation station
Arqueología industrial 41.566293272/-0.853754456 work of art
Arrabal neighborhood in Zaragoza
Ascaso Budría street 41.629752/-0.887729 street
Atalaya 41.652146918/-0.980866069 work of art
Ateneo de Zaragoza athenaeum
Avenida Alcalde Caballero 41.673152/-0.862242 avenue
Avenida Gómez Laguna 41.641651/-0.91039 avenue
Avenida Valencia 41.646416/-0.89669 avenue
Avenida de América 41.632622/-0.885152 avenue
Avenida de Cataluña 41.66449/-0.859396 avenue
Avenida de José Anselmo Clavé 41.652052/-0.893549 avenue
Avenida de Santa Isabel 41.666864/-0.828996 avenue
Avenida de la Academia General Militar 41.685096/-0.870914 avenue
Avenida de la Almozara 41.66318611/-0.89850278 avenue
Avenida de los Pirineos 41.669279/-0.880092 avenue
Avenida del Compromiso de Caspe 41.645426/-0.864162 avenue
BRILOG Headquarters brigade headquarters
supply and maintenance unit
Bajo Aragónón_(barrio) neighborhood in Zaragoza
Balsa de Larralde wetland
Baluarte Aragonés street 41.660385791/-0.860190565 street
Barcelona street 41.651076/-0.90901 street
Barrio Jesús (Zaragoza)ús_(Zaragoza) neighborhood in Zaragoza
Barrio Oliver neighborhood in Zaragoza
Baños Judíos 41.650943055/-0.87521 monument
public bath
Bella Natura 41.617575341/-0.919796642 work of art
Biblioteca - Hemeroteca del Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza 41.654836/-0.877451 main library
special library
Biblioteca Academia Aragonesa de Jurisprudencia y Legislación 41.653212/-0.892209 main library
research library
Biblioteca Auxiliar del Archivo Histórico Provincial de Zaragoza 41.6544/-0.876464 archival library
main library
Biblioteca CAI - Mariano de Pano 41.656287/-0.876538 main library
public library
Biblioteca CAI - Universidad de Zaragoza 41.639233/-0.897448 main library
academic library
Biblioteca Capitular del Cabildo Metropolitano de Zaragoza 41.655124/-0.875998 religious library
main library
Biblioteca Centro Neuropsiquiátrico Nuestra Señora del Carmen 41.6806/-0.978216 main library
hospital library
Biblioteca Hospital Royo Villanova 41.691364/-0.862996 main library
hospital library
Biblioteca Ibercaja - José Sinués 41.643795151/-0.891875329 main library
public library
Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Zaragoza - Benjamín Jarnés (Actur-Rey Fernando) 41.676682/-0.891548 library branch
public library
Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Zaragoza - Bibliobús 41.635585/-0.862742 traveling library
public library
Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Zaragoza - Biblioteca José Martí (Valdespartera) 41.621907/-0.92326 library branch
public library
Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Zaragoza - Biblioteca para Jóvenes Cubit 41.663552/-0.867441 library branch
public library
Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Zaragoza - Casetas 41.719039/-1.026342 library branch
public library
Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Zaragoza - Fernando Lázaro Carreter (Torrero) 41.62957/-0.88412 library branch
public library
Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Zaragoza - Inocencio Ruiz Lasala (Santa Isabel) 41.6668/-0.830494 library branch
public library
Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Zaragoza - Javier Tomeo (El Rabal) 41.6612/-0.876561 library branch
public library
Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Zaragoza - Jesús María Alemany Briz (Casablanca) 41.6322/-0.911661 library branch
public library
Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Zaragoza - José Antonio Rey del Corral (San José) 41.637826/-0.872898 library branch
public library
Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Zaragoza - José Ramón Arana (Garrapinillos) 41.6842/-1.0275 library branch
public library
Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Zaragoza - Luis del Val (Valdefierro) 41.6399/-0.930545 library branch
public library
Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Zaragoza - Manuel Alvar (Delicias) 41.6473/-0.91115 library branch
public library
Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Zaragoza - Miguel Labordeta (La Cartuja) 41.6054/-0.825061 library branch
public library
Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Zaragoza - Montañana 41.684529/-0.827245 library branch
public library
Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Zaragoza - Monzalbarba 41.701852/-0.969361 library branch
public library
Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Zaragoza - Movera 41.64915/-0.822113 library branch
public library
Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Zaragoza - Rafael Andolz (La Almozara) 41.660953/-0.901723 library branch
public library
Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Zaragoza - San Juan de Mozarrifar 41.7174/-0.84129 library branch
public library
Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Zaragoza - Santa Orosia (Delicias) 41.6556/-0.901481 library branch
public library
Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Zaragoza - Soledad Puértolas (Miralbueno) 41.6863/-0.942247 library branch
public library
Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Zaragoza - Vientos del pueblo (Oliver) 41.6526/-0.923682 library branch
public library
Biblioteca de CEPYME Aragón 41.649379/-0.8981 association library
main library
Biblioteca de Cáritas Diocesana de Zaragoza 41.655971/-0.875757 main library
special library
Biblioteca de la Academia General Militar 41.7015/-0.866574 Military library
main library
Biblioteca de la Asociación de Naturalistas de Aragón - ANSAR 41.637284/-0.880016 main library
special library
Biblioteca de la Base Aérea de Zaragoza 41.6638/-0.967907 main library
Biblioteca de la Cartuja de Aula Dei 41.725334/-0.811872 religious library
main library
Biblioteca de la Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria y Navegación de Zaragoza 41.635/-0.901787 main library
special library
Biblioteca de la Diputación General de Aragón 41.652803/-0.891992 main library
Biblioteca de la Diputación Provincial de Zaragoza - Idelfonso Manuel Gil 41.652525/-0.881154 main library
Biblioteca de la Escuela Internacional de Negocios (CESTE) 41.6219/-0.904922 main library
academic library
Biblioteca de la Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón 41.662555/-0.884202 educational library
main library
Biblioteca de la Escuela Universitaria de Turismo de Zaragoza 41.6545/-0.882697 main library
academic library
Biblioteca de la Escuela de Arte de Zaragoza 41.6718/-0.890133 educational library
main library
Biblioteca de la Escuela de Técnicas de Seguridad, Defensa y Apoyo 41.662445/-1.002545 main library
Biblioteca de la Fundación Ecología y Desarrollo 41.655116/-0.874847 main library
special library
Biblioteca de la Fundación San Valero 41.669201/-0.877994 main library
academic library
Biblioteca de la Fundación Seminario de Investigación para la Paz (SEIPAZ) 41.647446/-0.88416 main library
special library
Biblioteca de la Real Academia Aragonesa de Nobles y Bellas Artes de San Luís de Zaragoza 41.648337/-0.878942 main library
research library
Biblioteca de la Real Academia de Medicina de Zaragoza 41.64727/-0.885268 main library
research library
Biblioteca de la Universidad de Zaragoza - Biblioteca de la Facultad de Ciencias 41.642293/-0.900305 library branch
academic library
Biblioteca de la Universidad de Zaragoza - Biblioteca de la Facultad de Educación 41.640976266/-0.900406979 library branch
academic library
Biblioteca de la Universidad de Zaragoza - Biblioteca del Centro Universitario de Lenguas Modernas 41.642155/-0.89796 library branch
academic library
Biblioteca de las Cortes de Aragón 41.6567/-0.896463 main library
Biblioteca del Centro de Documentación del Agua y el Medio Ambiente de Zaragoza 41.658512/-0.888586 main library
special library
Biblioteca del Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria de Aragón (CITA) 41.6829/-0.828563 main library
research library
Biblioteca del Colectivo de Educación Ambiental S.L. - CEAM 41.655198/-0.888286 association library
main library
Biblioteca del Colegio Mayor Universitario Miraflores 41.6444/-0.881956 main library
special library
Biblioteca del Colegio Mayor Universitario Pedro Cerbuna 41.641634/-0.902188 main library
special library
Biblioteca del Colegio Mayor Universitario Santa Isabel 41.640531/-0.901131 main library
special library
Biblioteca del Colegio Oficial de Aparejadores, Arquitectos Técnicos e Ingenieros Técnicos de Edificación de Zaragoza 41.650806/-0.877199 association library
main library
Biblioteca del Colegio Oficial de Doctores y Licenciados en Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias 41.6395/-0.896532 association library
main library
Biblioteca del Colegio Oficial de Farmacéuticos 41.6391/-0.879811 association library
main library
Biblioteca del Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Agrónomos de Aragón, Navarra y País Vasco 41.6528/-0.88304 association library
main library
Biblioteca del Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Industriales de Aragón y Rioja 41.65274/-0.881264 association library
main library
Biblioteca del Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Técnicos Industriales de Aragón 41.650256/-0.888346 association library
main library
Biblioteca del Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Zaragoza 41.642075/-0.884749 association library
main library
Biblioteca del Colegio Profesional de Trabajadores Sociales de Aragón 41.655069/-0.888391 association library
main library
Biblioteca del Colegio de Arquitectos de Aragón - Delegación de Zaragoza 41.654/-0.878634 association library
main library
Biblioteca del Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos - Demarcación de Aragón 41.649805/-0.879473 association library
main library
Biblioteca del Decanato de Zaragoza 41.669406/-0.897318 main library
Biblioteca del Hospital Clínico 41.6445/-0.901505 main library
hospital library
Biblioteca del Hospital General de la Defensa en Zaragoza 41.631/-0.905731 main library
Biblioteca del Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet 41.6339/-0.902928 main library
hospital library
Biblioteca del Ilustre Colegio Notarial de Aragón 41.656086/-0.881703 association library
main library
Biblioteca del Instituto Agronómico Mediterráneo de Zaragoza 41.7166/-0.810459 main library
special library
Biblioteca del Instituto Aragonés de Juventud 41.6467/-0.901011 main library
Biblioteca del Instituto de Carboquímica (CSIC) 41.680963/-0.889214 library branch
research library
Biblioteca del Museo Pablo Serrano 41.651099/-0.889962 museum library
main library
Biblioteca del Museo de Zaragoza 41.6482/-0.878906 museum library
main library
Biblioteca del Real Seminario de San Carlos 41.6515/-0.875764 religious library
main library
Biblioteca del Real e Ilustre Colegio de Abogados 41.6529/-0.878784 association library
main library
Biblioteca del Regimiento de Artillería de Campaña nº 20 (RACA 20) 41.727275/-0.855001 main library
Biblioteca del Seminario Metropolitano y Centro Regional de Estudios Teológicos de Aragón 41.630528/-0.902327 religious library
main library
Biblioteca del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Aragón - Audiencia Provincial de Zaragoza 41.6536/-0.883127 main library
Biblioteca del Área de Fondo Bibliográfico de Colegio de Enfermería de Zaragoza 41.645494/-0.897757 association library
main library
Biblioteca y Hemeroteca del Instituto Geográfico de Aragón 41.652985/-0.891686 main library
Biomedical Research Networking Center in Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine 41.685211/-0.887388 research center
Boterón street 41.654542/-0.873079 street
Bullfighting fair of El Pilar feria
Bus turístico diurno (TUZSA)ístico_diurno_de_Zaragoza transportation system
Bus turístico nocturno (TUZSA)ístico_nocturno_de_Zaragoza transportation system
CREA employers' organization
Cabezo Casellas 41.61045/-0.954169 triangulation station
Cabezo Fita 41.586343/-0.977186 triangulation station
Cabezo de las Zorras 41.578548/-0.89251 triangulation station
Calatorao street 41.656954/-0.892041 street
Calle Aguadores 41.656991/-0.886979 street
Calle Albareda 41.65102/-0.887886 street
Calle Alicante 41.631575/-0.887581 street
Calle Almagro 41.648452/-0.887811 street
Calle Amado Laguna de Rins 41.646452/-0.889436 street
Calle Asín y Palacios 41.636514/-0.90523 street
Calle Ateca 41.628425/-0.889125 street
Calle Casta Álvarez 41.656924/-0.884056 street
Calle Celma 41.658423/-0.889345 street
Calle Cereros 41.657294/-0.89177 street
Calle Contamina 41.654795/-0.880709 street
Calle Doctor Cerrada 41.647062/-0.88905 street
Calle Fray Julián Garcés 41.625578/-0.888762 street
Calle Lagasca 41.644979/-0.887074 street
Calle Madre Ràfols 41.652961/-0.888499 street
Calle Manifestación 41.656091/-0.881119 street
Calle Mariano Cerezo 41.654918/-0.888061 street
Calle Miguel Servet 41.640945/-0.867151 street
Calle Mosén Pedro Dosset 41.656694/-0.883989 street
Calle Nayim Mohamed Alí Amar 41.63141/-0.877879 street
Calle Pablo Ruiz Picasso 41.673046/-0.886959 street
Calle Pantano de la Sotonera / Carrera Pantano d'a Sotonera street
Calle Ramón Berenguer IV 41.637753/-0.881713 street
Calle Ramón Pignatelli 41.654046/-0.887672 street
Calle Rioja 41.652926/-0.910395 street
Calle San José M. Escriváé_M._Escrivá 41.65409/-0.895538 street
Calle San José de Calasanz 41.637373/-0.875929 street
Calle Santa Inés 41.656703/-0.890869 street
Calle Santa Lucia 41.658362/-0.891282 street
Calle Valle de Arán 41.671946188/-0.872268685 street
Calle Valle de Oza 41.665003181/-0.875149892 street
Calle Valle de Zuriza 41.661461/-0.872862 street
Calle de Bilbao 41.649274/-0.885754 street
Calle de Cádiz 41.650654/-0.883243 street
Calle de Diego Dormer 41.654438/-0.876419 street
Calle de Don Teobaldo 41.653577/-0.872445 street
Calle de Francisco de Vitoria 41.646379/-0.880627 street
Calle de Fuenterrabía 41.654809/-0.896632 street
Calle de Héroes del Silencio 41.642497/-0.884772 street
Calle de Jerónimo Blancas 41.651115/-0.879776 street
Calle de Jerónimo Borao 41.654796/-0.894418 street
Calle de Jerónimo Cáncer 41.652988/-0.928961 street
Calle de Jerónimo Vicens 41.652246/-0.866357 street
Calle de Juan Bruil 41.648509/-0.883474 street
Calle de Juan II de Aragón 41.63553/-0.904135 street
Calle de Juan Porcell 41.651121939/-0.87923617 street
Calle de León XIII 41.646194/-0.881571 street
Calle de Marceliano Isábal 41.650625/-0.884788 street
Calle de Pedro III el Grande 41.637183/-0.905726 street
Calle de Pedro Joaquín Soler 41.652178/-0.876929 street
Calle de Pedro María Ric 41.643799/-0.881923 street
Calle de Ponciano Ponzano 41.649528/-0.884679 street
Calle de Predicadores 41.657671/-0.887455 street
Calle de San Adrián de Sasabe 41.647801/-0.857739 street
Calle de San Andrés 41.652714/-0.878315 street
Calle de San Cristóbal 41.652172/-0.874154 street
Calle de San Félix 41.6535777/-0.878839806 street
Calle de San Jerónimo 41.651204/-0.883991 street
Calle de San Juan de la Cruz 41.641182784/-0.892458604 street
Calle de San Juan y San Pedro 41.653249/-0.877194 street
Calle de Santa Catalina 41.650796/-0.878783 street
Calle de Santa Joaquina de Vedruna 41.644518/-0.88053 street
Calle de Santo Dominguito de Val 41.651677/-0.876861 street
Calle de Tomás Castellano 41.648873/-0.883201 street
Calle de Tomás Crespo Agüero 41.651584/-0.892545 street
Calle de Tomás Zumalacárregui 41.643533/-0.888617 street
Calle de la Corona de Aragón 41.644200891/-0.898220067 street
Calle de la Duquesa de Villahermosa 41.647028794/-0.905939394 street
Calle de la Salina 41.657867/-0.891256 street
Calle de la Santa Cruz 41.654141604/-0.878967107 street
Calle de la Universidad 41.652686/-0.873167 street
Calle de la Verónica 41.651954/-0.87829 street
Calle de las Armas 41.657165/-0.887948 street
Calle de los Arcedianos 41.654533/-0.874566 street
Calle de los Condes de Aragón 41.637084/-0.906821 street
Calle del Arquitecto Magdalena 41.65007/-0.87923 street
Calle del Arzobispo Apaolaza 41.640612396/-0.896345591 street
Calle del Doctor Iranzo 41.644042/-0.864553 street
Calle del Doctor Val-Carreres Ortiz 41.651026/-0.885217 street
Calle del General Mayandía 41.652149/-0.892274 street
Calle del Lucero 41.654035/-0.875736 street
Calle del Marqués de Casa Jiménez 41.650038/-0.884561 street
Calle del Marqués de Lazán 41.652171/-0.87558 street
Calle del Refugio 41.653422/-0.877648 street
Calle del Sepulcro 41.654799/-0.874148 street
Calle del Órgano 41.652729/-0.873885 street
Calle los Diputados 41.658021/-0.895253 street
Camino de Monzalbarba path
Campana de los Perdidos bell
Campillo 41.756394/-0.724475 triangulation station
Campo Romanos comarca
Candalija street 41.654153/-0.88119 street
Canfranc street 41.649123/-0.886196 street
Carillon of the Palace of the Provincial Council of Zaragoza carillon
Cartuja Baja 41.604438888/-0.822468888 neighborhood in Zaragoza
populated place nucleus
district of Zaragoza
Cartularios de la Seo cartulary
Casa Jiménez 41.650012/-0.884586 building
Casa catalana de Zaragoza 41.648108333/-0.898486111 Casa regional
Casa de Ganaderos de Zaragoza cooperativa
Casa de Orfeo archaeological site
Casa de compuertas de Casablanca industrial building
Casablanca, Zaragoza 41.6305016/-0.9171108 district of Zaragoza
Castillo de Alfocea 41.723888888/-0.950833333 archaeological site
Castillo de Torrecilla de Valmadrid archaeological site
Catholic Parish of Saint Engratia 41.649076426/-0.882757677 Catholic parish
territorial parish
Catholic parish of San Pablo Catholic parish
Cañón de Añisclo street 41.665005163/-0.87421135 street
Cemetery of Cartuja Baja 41.629256444/-0.853085664 cemetery
Centro Berit organization
public association of the Christian faithful
Centro Neuropsiquiatrico Nuestra Señora del Carmen 41.6770721/-0.9862045 psychiatric hospital
Centro Politécnico Superior 41.68331/-0.88738 university building
Centro Social San Antonio 41.63487/-0.88667 social service facility
Centro comercial Plaza Imperial 41.63495/-0.983728 shopping center
Centro de Documentación y Biblioteca del Instituto Aragonés de la Mujer 41.651204/-0.889469 main library
special library
Centro de Información y Documentación Aragonés de Consumo - CIDAC 41.648115/-0.908454 main library
Centro de Investigación de Recursos y Consumos Energéticosón_de_Recursos_y_Consumos_Energéticos 41.684888888/-0.883333333
research center
research institute
Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria de Aragón 41.72406/-0.807001 facility
Centro de Rehabilitacion Psicosocial Nuestra Señora del Pilar 41.6463383/-0.9090315 psychiatric hospital
Cesar Augusto Square 41.657323/-0.881321 square
Cesaraugusto observatory 41.696118/-0.80631 astronomical observatory
Chapel of Saint Braulio chapel
Chapel of Saint Lawrence chapel
Chapel of Saint Pedro de Arbués chapel
Chapter of Knights and Nobles of the City of Zaragoza defunct organization
Nobiliary Corporation
Chimenea. Pabellón de la Chimenea 41.662047048/-0.887203632 work of art
Church of Our Lady of Loreto 41.680211539/-0.965195546 Catholic parish church
Church of Saint Ann, Zaragoza 41.666311/-0.873153 Catholic parish church
Church of Santa Maria, always Virgin 41.656567/-0.878196 destroyed church
Church of Santo Tomás Apóstol, Zaragoza Catholic parish church
Church of St George 41.678098/-0.884512 Catholic parish church
Church of St. Francis Xavier, Zaragoza Catholic parish church
Church of St. Ignacio Clemente Delgado 41.622581008/-0.927801364 Catholic parish church
Church of St. Joseph of Calasanz 41.639288/-0.888231 piarist church
Catholic church building
Church of St. Lambert of Saragossa 41.658570515/-0.941817864 Catholic parish church
Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr , Garrapinillos 41.683787513/-1.026760081 Catholic parish church
Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr, Zaragoza 41.631611598/-0.878376013 Catholic parish church
Church of St. Mary of the Angels 41.664381693/-0.930942217 Catholic parish church
Church of St. Peter the Apostle 41.65244812/-0.927976393 Catholic parish church
Church of the Coronation of the Virgin 41.650271937/-0.921722923 Catholic parish church
Church of the Holy Masses 41.65/-0.88 destroyed church
Churreria El Jalón 41.656285/-0.888257 Churrería
Churrería el Gancho 41.657059/-0.889779 Churrería
Cine Elíseos 41.646609/-0.885777 movie theater
Ciudad Jardín neighborhood in Zaragoza
Club Béisbol y Sófbol Miralbueno sports club
Clínica Nuestra Señora del Pilar 41.6371553/-0.8890966 hospital
Cofradía de la Gloriosa Santa Bárbara confraternity
Cogullada neighborhood in Zaragoza
Colección Museográfica de la Academia General Militar museographic collection
Colegio Calasancio de Zaragoza 41.639254/-0.888274 piarist school
school building
Colegio El Carmelo 41.645186/-0.889035 school building
Colegio Escolanía de Infantes de Nuestra Señora del Pilar 41.657140999/-0.879274865 Roman Catholic educational institution
music school
Colegio Escolapias Calasanz 41.652966/-0.883097 school building
Catholic school
Colegio Escuelas Pías Santa Engracia 41.632832/-0.870688 Catholic school
Colegio Marianistas - Santa María del Pilar 41.626198/-0.899773 school building
Colegio Oficial de Farmacéuticos de Zaragoza regulatory college
Colegio Pompiliano 41.636193/-0.88997 Catholic school
Colegio de Médicos de Zaragoza Colegio Profesional
Colegio de San Nicolás de Tolentino destroyed building or structure
Coliseo de Comedias de Zaragoza 41.651881944/-0.880378888 destroyed building or structure
Collado Ladrones 41.619464/-1.03442 triangulation station
College of the Savior, Zaragoza 41.63232778/-0.90164167 Jesuit school
Colonia San Lamberto 41.668151876/-0.945625392 residential area
Confederation of Aragonese Sports Federations confederation
voluntary association
Confraternity of the Rosary of Zaragoza Sodality
Conservatorio Superior de Música de Aragón 41.636135/-0.911684 Higher Conservatory of Music
Conservatorio profesional de música de Zaragoza 41.654309/-0.874281 professional conservatory of music
Consorcio de Transportes del Área de ZaragozaÁrea_de_Zaragoza bus-based transport system
Convent of RR MM Agustinas de Santa Mónica, Zaragoza 41.650359145/-0.87049165 convent
Convento de Nuestra Señora de Altabásñora_de_Altabás destroyed convent
Convento de Nuestra Señora del Carmenñora_del_Carmen_(Zaragoza) destroyed convent
Convento de San Lamberto destroyed convent
Convento de Santo Tomás de Villanueva de Zaragoza destroyed convent
Convento de las Siervas de María 41.6413/-0.88577 convent
Corredor Verde Oliver-Valdefierro itinerary
Cuarte Torrero Mediumwave Transmitter 41.623499/-0.890317 television tower
Cuartel de Palafox 41.639596/-0.899937 barracks
Depósitos de cine 41.614201855/-0.928610609 mural
Distrito Centro 41.6518015/-0.8928561 district of Zaragoza
Doce de Octubre street 41.634986/-0.877584 street
Documentos del Pilar archive
EW Zaragoza sports team
Eagle Woman 41.648117805/-0.873205172 sculpture
Edificio Calle Alfonso I Nº 25 41.654632/-0.880713 cultural property
Eduardo Dato street 41.645967/-0.890428 street
El Boterón 41.654108/-0.873267 neighborhood in Zaragoza
El Olivar 41.627998/-0.916525 sports venue
sports club
El Rabal district of Zaragoza
Enrique Jardiel Poncela street 41.670247964/-0.887417964 street
Episcopal Vicariate I of the Archdiocese of Zaragoza territorial episcopal vicariate
Episcopal Vicariate II of the Archdiocese of Zaragoza territorial episcopal vicariate
Episcopal Vicariate III of the Archdiocese of Zaragoza territorial episcopal vicariate
Episcopal Vicariate IV of the Archdiocese of Zaragoza territorial episcopal vicariate
Escuela Municipal de Jota music school
Escuela Museo Origami Zaragoza 41.650857742/-0.870741374 museum
Escuela Universitaria de Turismo de Zaragoza university college
educational institution
Escuela de Roma. Pintores aragoneses en el cambio de siglo exhibition
Estación transformadora 41.701173/-0.867433 industrial building
Estadio Torrero 41.63/-0.8825 defunct sports venue
association football venue
Estudiantes en Defensa de la Universidad student society
Estudio Fotográfico Coyneáfico_Coyne photographic studio
Estudio Teológico Brauliano former entity
F.I.M.A. International Fair of Agricultural Machinery agricultural show
Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Zaragoza 41.646894/-0.887617 faculty of business and economics
Faculty of Education of the University of Zaragoza 41.641563/-0.90053 school of pedagogy
Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Zaragoza 41.642719/-0.905317 health occupation school
Faculty of Law of the University of Zaragoza 41.640919/-0.899128 faculty of law
Faculty of Medicine of the University of Zaragoza 41.641815/-0.90436 medical school
Faculty of Theology of the University of Zaragoza former entity
Feria Oficial y Nacional de Muestras de Zaragoza trade fair
Fire of the Comedy Coliseum in Zaragoza in 1778 conflagration
Flora 41.685936/-0.699834 triangulation station
Florencio Jardiel street 41.657164625/-0.879265527 street
Flying nightclub fire 41.653241666/-0.872666666 structure fire
Francés 41.653882/-0.742781 triangulation station
Fray Luis Urbano street 41.647171/-0.858843 street
Frontón Aragonés defunct sports venue
Frontón Emendek defunct sports venue
Fábrica de Cervezas La Zaragozana 41.637518/-0.881709 factory
Fábrica de Material Eléctrico Giesa 41.639665/-0.865021 factory
Fábrica de galletas Patria 41.661524/-0.86672 industrial building
Galacho de La Cartuja galacho
General Hospital of the Defense in Zaragozaías 41.630065644/-0.904048416 military hospital
General Quintana Barracks 41.704428/-0.867207 barracks
Geriatric Hospital San Jorge 41.653341666/-0.901625 former hospital
Good Shepherd Parish Church, Zaragoza 41.630547/-0.882299 Catholic parish church
Hermandad de donantes de sangre de Zaragoza nonprofit organization
Hospital Materno Infantil de Zaragoza 41.636068/-0.899651 hospital
Hospital San Juan de Dios 41.634064/-0.888013 hospital
Hospital Viamed Montecanal 41.639222222/-0.949444444 hospital
Hospital de Rehabilitacion Psiquiatrica Prisma 41.719175885/-0.835148749 psychiatric hospital
Hotel Corona de Aragón fireón 41.6516/-0.8859 structure fire
terrorist attack
House of Gaspar de Ariño destroyed building or structure
IES Avempace 41.67722/-0.8766 IES
Iglesia Madre de Dios de Begoña Catholic parish church
Iglesia Nuestra Señora de Montserrat de Zaragoza Catholic church building
Iglesia Parroquial de Nuestra Señora Del Rosario 41.660703168/-0.89972956 Catholic parish church
Iglesia Parroquial de la Sagrada Familia 41.628421/-0.888517 Catholic parish church
Iglesia de Jesús Maestro 41.659032255/-0.868214489 Catholic parish church
Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe de Zaragoza Catholic parish church
Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción de Juslibol Catholic church building
Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de los Dolores 41.64247/-0.87002 Catholic parish church
Iglesia de San Aleksandr Nevskii y San Jorge de Zaragoza 41.628729785/-0.885314826 Russian Orthodox church building
Iglesia de San Juan Bautista de San Juan de Mozarrifar church
Iglesia de San Lorenzo (Zaragoza) destroyed church
Iglesia de Santa María del Temple 41.655248633/-0.881877554 destroyed church
Iglesia de Santa Rafaela María Catholic parish church
Iglesia de Santo Dominguito de Val Catholic parish church
Iglesia de la Dormición de la Madre del Señor 41.643448324/-0.86634773 Romanian Orthodox church building
Iglesia de la Encarnación, Zaragoza 41.650083/-0.887693 Catholic church building
Iglesia de las Siervas de María 41.64137/-0.88583 church
Iglesia del Monasterio Cisterciense de Santa Lucía, Zaragoza 41.62785877/-0.904550853 church
Iglesia parroquial de Santa María 41.628267911/-0.926895851 Catholic parish church
Iglesia parroquial de Santa María Reina de los Mártires 41.684218154/-0.873393676 Catholic parish church
Ilesia de Sant Andreu de Zaragoza destroyed church
Institución Fernando el Católicoón_Fernando_el_Católico 41.719888888/-1.026638888 cultural institution
Institut français de Saragosseés_de_Zaragoza cultural center
Instituto Aragonés de Antropologíaés_de_Antropología 41.640888888/-0.901694444 organization
Instituto Superior de Ciencias Religiosas “Nuestra Señora del Pilar” superior institute of religious sciences
Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón 41.682744/-0.887036 organization
Instituto de Carboquímica 41.681471/-0.888394 facility
Instituto de Geografía Aplicadaía_Aplicada research institute
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Aragón 41.634744/-0.900211 organization
Instituto de Síntesis Química y Catálisis Homogénea 41.642108/-0.900116 organization
International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies 41.722647/-0.813699 organization
International Film Exhibition Realized by Women of Zaragoza film festival
Josefa Amar y Borbón street 41.651225655/-0.880261444 street
Juan de Albayceta human
Julio Cejador Frauca street 41.634928/-0.891778 street
Juslibol 41.6906/-0.89504 neighborhood in Zaragoza
populated place nucleus
district of Zaragoza
La Bombarda neighborhood in Zaragoza
La Bozada neighborhood in Zaragoza
La Granja Park 41.63492/-0.87032 park
La Jota (Zaragoza) neighborhood in Zaragoza
La Magdalena (Zaragoza) neighborhood in Zaragoza
La Paz neighborhood in Zaragoza
La Torre 41.635777757/-1.023675496 work of art
La Zaragozana beer museum 41.637518055/-0.881708888 beer museum
Laberinto Barroco 41.657354339/-0.994912567 labyrinth
Laberinto Bidimensional 41.644525992/-0.96995974 labyrinth
Laboratory of Research in Fluid Dynamics and Combustion Technologies 41.681454/-0.887575 research center
Laie CaixaForum Zaragoza bookstore
Las Delicias neighborhood in Zaragoza
Las Delicias street 41.649292091/-0.904336004 street
Las Fuentes district of Zaragoza
Las Pilillas mountain
Line 21ínea_21_(Avanza_Zaragoza) bus route
Line C4 (Urbanos de Zaragoza)ínea_C4_(Avanza_Zaragoza) Líneas lanzaderas (Urbanos de Zaragoza)
Locomotora de vapor Baldwin 41.662606506/-0.889009713 work of art
Loma de Utebo 41.740524/-0.987515 triangulation station
Los cuadrados 41.679609246/-0.871119927 work of art
Lycée Français Molière de Saragosse 41.6621516/-0.882337 school
Lázaros 41.718071/-1.135325 triangulation station
Líneas circulares (TUZSA)íneas_circulares_(Avanza_Zaragoza) bus-based transport system
Líneas lanzaderas (Urbanos de Zaragoza)íneas_lanzaderas_(Avanza_Zaragoza) bus-based transport system
Líneas nocturnas (TUZSA)íneas_nocturnas_(Avanza_Zaragoza) bus route
Macanaz Park 41.65922/-0.879174 park
Main Synagogue (Zaragoza) demolished synagogue
destroyed building or structure
Main vestry of the Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar sacristy
Mamblas neighborhood in Zaragoza
Marcelino Unceta street 41.650947219/-0.901359272 street
Martiri de Sant Esteve sculpture
Mass grave: "Fosas del ""Campo de los Muertos"" en Movera" 568/2009 ZARA 41.6488226/-0.8890853 mass grave
Mass grave: Fosa común sin nombre 1083/2009 ZARA 41.6488226/-0.8890853 mass grave
Mass grave: Fosa común sin nombre 1155/2009 ZARA 41.6488226/-0.8890853 mass grave
Mass grave: Fosa en Monzalbarba 41.7043343/-0.9653412 mass grave
Mass grave: Fosa en el cementerio de San Juan de Mozarrifar 1490/2009 ZARA 41.6488226/-0.8890853 mass grave
Mass grave: Munegas 1368/2009 ZARA 41.6488226/-0.8890853 mass grave
Mausoleum of the Heroines of the Sieges of Zaragoza 41.655988/-0.893404 mausoleum
Megabús (TUZSA)ús_(Avanza_Zaragoza) tour bus service
Memorial de la Tabula Contrebiensis, Zaragoza 41.6334714/-0.8853472 memorial
Milla Digital neighborhood in Zaragoza
Mina Real 41.770286/-1.035971 triangulation station
Miracle of Calanda street 41.656354168/-0.877855722 street
Miraflores Park 41.641698/-0.878172 park
Monasterio de Nuestra Señora de Jerusalén de Zaragoza 41.650792/-0.881926 destroyed monastery
Monasterio de Santa Inés 41.634458/-0.91335 destroyed monastery
Monasterio de Santo Domingo de Guzmán 41.675890224/-0.958186732 dominican monastery
Monastery of Santa Teresa, Zaragoza 41.684278/-1.026883 convent
Monsalud neighborhood in Zaragoza
Monte Perdido street street
Montecanal 41.62965/-0.93873 neighborhood in Zaragoza
Montecanal Observatory 41.629001/-0.935999999 astronomical observatory
Monument to Joaquin Guiral 41.63887112/-0.865147376 relief sculpture
Monument to Tenor Fleta 41.633182829/-0.894734514 sculpture
Monument to aeronautics 41.665163167/-1.07714472 sculpture
Monument to Ángel Sanz Briz 41.638048212/-0.867823788 bust
Monument à Rubén Dario monument
Morería de Zaragoza morería
Mount of Torrero 41.621391944/-0.886888888 mountain
Movera 41.649877/-0.823898 neighborhood in Zaragoza
populated place nucleus
district of Zaragoza
Mundir I street 41.654916/-0.874357 street
Mural en Doctor Cerrada nº 20 (Sin título) 41.549645884/-8.185282335 mural
Museo de la Academia General Militar 41.699583333/-0.872416666 military museum
Muy Ilustre y Antiquísima Cofradía de San Miguel del Tercio confraternity
N-232 road
Naturally sustainable 41.617575341/-0.919796642 mural
No title 41.662523662/-0.876292476 sculpture
Nuestra Señora del Rosario 59c sculpture
Nuevo Estadio de San Joséé 41.629045/-0.866203 proposed building or structure
Oasis Club Teatro 41.655173/-0.88568 music venue
theatre building
Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Zaragoza chamber of commerce and industry
Official street map of the City of Zaragoza catalogue
Oliver-Valdefierro 41.64454/-0.93349 district of Zaragoza
Palacio de Torrellas 41.655788888/-0.878938888 destroyed building or structure
Palacio de los Sora destroyed building or structure
Palmeras 41.615057878/-0.931921954 work of art
Palmeras 41.625017396/-0.848236209 work of art
Pamplona mural walk 4-6 (untitled) 41.648723118/-0.886559914 mural
Pantano de Yesa street street
Parish Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus 41.640911/-0.878311
Catholic parish church
Parish of Our Lady of Altabás 41.659295/-0.87398 Catholic parish
Parish of Our Lady of the Pillar, Zaragoza 41.65716463/-0.87926553 Catholic parish
Parque Goya neighborhood in Zaragoza
Parque Roma neighborhood in Zaragoza
Parque de la Aljafería 41.65815/-0.896715 park
Parque de la Memoria 41.634251/-0.879313 park
Parque de la Razón 41.62582/-0.9218 park
Parque de las Delicias 41.6473015/-0.9110074 park
Parque de los Poetas 41.668618/-0.881158 park
Parque del Barranco 41.617329/-0.883822 park
Parque del Oeste 41.6486658/-0.9292379 park
Parroquia de El Salvador Catholic parish
Parroquia de San Gil Abad Catholic parish
Parroquia de San Miguel de los Navarros Catholic parish
Parroquia de Santa María Magdalena Catholic parish
Parroquia de Santiago el Mayor Catholic parish
Pasarela de PLAZA 41.634003/-0.989228 footbridge
Pasarela de los Pinares de Venecia 41.624681658/-0.893673688 footbridge
Paseo Duque de Alba 41.622126/-0.900671 promenade
Paseo Reyes de Aragón 41.624771/-0.906599 promenade
Paseo Ruiseñores 41.636578/-0.889004 street
Paseo Teruel 41.648121/-0.892495 street
Paseo de Alberto Casañal 41.670318/-0.87551 street
Paseo de Colón 41.633797/-0.888819 promenade
Paseo de Mariano Renovales 41.634840957/-0.892795915 promenade
Paseo de la Ribera 41.655603/-0.867598 street
Paseo de las Damas 41.644988/-0.883983 street
Paseo del Canal 41.63327/-0.883104 promenade
Paseo la Mina 41.64783/-0.877604 promenade
Pedregosa 41.529313/-0.736572 triangulation station
Pedro Cerbuna street 41.640569366/-0.897322037 street
Pedro Díez Gil square 41.65506/-0.885724 square
Peirón de San Francisco de Asís peirón
Peña Montañesa square square
Peña Oroel street street
Picarral neighborhood in Zaragoza
Pico de la Madaleta street plaza
Pignatelli Center 41.64727/-0.88375 community center
Pilonas 41.593582/-0.834192 triangulation station
Pinatonar 41.882763/-1.048948 triangulation station
Plaza de Emilio Alfaro 41.657973/-0.894557 square
Plaza de Huesca 41.653077714/-0.906549979 plaza
Plaza de Nuestra Señora del Carmen 41.651014/-0.88461 square
Plaza de San Carlos 41.651516/-0.875775 square
Plaza de San Pedro Nolasco 41.652682/-0.876899 square
Plaza de San Roque 41.653146/-0.882882 square
Plaza de San Sebastián 41.647188/-0.882815 square
Plaza de la Magdalena 41.652188/-0.873465 square
Plaza de la constitución square
Plaza del mercado de Zaragoza former entity
Port of Casablanca 42.026263888/-1.560233055 inland port
Posada de Las Almas 41.655688/-0.88491 hotel
Pozo de Sant Lazaroázaro 41.657873/-0.874823 pit cave
Primitive church of Santa María del Pilar 41.656566944/-0.878196111 destroyed church
Procesión del Encuentroón_del_Encuentro_(Zaragoza) religious procession
Puerta de Valencia 41.652013/-0.87319 destroyed building or structure
city gate
Puig Águila 41.51146/-0.818093 triangulation station
Quinta Julieta 41.62546/-0.869989 quinta
Rainbow 41.635777757/-1.023675496 work of art
Real Aero Club de Zaragoza 41.6692/-1.01852 flying club
Real Zaragoza Club de Tenis sports club
Regional Center for Theological Studies of Aragon 41.630403921/-0.901990678 higher center for theological studies
Reliquary Bust of Saint Lawrence metal artwork
reliquary bust
Reliquary Bust of Saint Valerius metal artwork
reliquary bust
Reliquary Bust of Saint Vincent metal artwork
reliquary bust
Reloj Solar del Centro de Urbanismo Sostenible 41.62258471/-0.939749152 work of art
Residence of Don Francisco de Goya 41.649997/-0.875826 building
Roma square 41.649364986/-0.898823986 square
Roman Catholic Archbishop of Zaragoza episcopal title
Roman amphitheater of Zaragoza destroyed building or structure
Romería a la ermita de San Gregorio romeria
Ronda Hispanidad street
Roofs of the old house of Gaspar de Ariño artesonado
Rosary of Dawn procession in Saragossa Marian procession
recurring event
Rotonda de la Ciudad de Toulouse 41.632223/-0.904644 roundabout
Royal Institute of European Studies 41.652694444/-0.873166666 institute
Royal and Pontifical University of Zaragoza former entity
Ruinas Islámicas en Zaragoza 41.653283/-0.888101 archaeological site
Sabinar 41.473415/-0.78073 triangulation station
Sacred Heart 65 sculpture
Saint George's bullfighting fair feria
Sala de Lectura de la Base - San Jorge. Zona B 41.874952/-0.772973 main library
Sala de Lectura de la Base San Jorge. Zona A 41.7015/-0.866574 main library
Sala de Lectura del Acuartelamiento - Capitán Mayoral 41.632227/-0.905596 main library
Sala de Lectura del Regimiento de Caballería Ligero Acorazado - España nº 11 41.6957/-0.869467 main library
Sala de Lectura del Regimiento de Caballería Ligero Acorazado - Pavía nº 4 41.653/-0.906681 main library
Sala de Lectura del Regimiento de Pontoneros y Especialidades de Ingenieros nº 12 (RPEI 12) 41.702417/-0.964795 main library
Salduba street 41.657451991/-0.880875097 street
Salvador Minguijón street 41.648155/-0.861496 street
San Blas street 41.656565/-0.887379 street
San Cristóbal 41.76446/-0.770992 triangulation station
San Fernando Barracks 41.634236/-0.88364 barracks
San Genís 41.739075/-0.907068 triangulation station
San Jorge Military Base 41.721131/-0.858937 military base
San José de Calasanz sculpture
San Juan Bosco street 41.644449/-0.901576 street
San Juan de Dios 41.633923112/-0.888028326 monument
San Juan de Mozarrifar 41.71848/-0.84045 neighborhood in Zaragoza
populated place nucleus
district of Zaragoza
San Juan de la Peña avenue 41.667354/-0.871533 avenue
San Lorenzo sculpture
San Lorenzo street 41.652877/-0.876008 street
San Miguel street 41.650236/-0.878425 street
San Nicolás square 41.653996/-0.872602 square
San Pedro Nolasco sculpture
San Voto street 41.654003825/-0.8785574 street
Sepulcher of Lope Fernández de Luna sepulcher
Servicio Aragonés de Saludés_de_Salud government agency
Sevilla street 41.639306/-0.888139 street
Sierra de Guara street street
Sixto Celorrio street 41.659825/-0.878633 street
Sociedad Económica Aragonesa de Amigos del Paísómica_Aragonesa_de_Amigos_del_País Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País
Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa 41.6403057/-0.9315199 scientific society
Solemn Mass of Infants missa solemnis
Solemn Mass
Catholic Mass
Solemn Pontifical Mass of October 12th in El Pilar de Zaragoza recurring event
Pontifical High Mass
Stadium Casablancaón_Canónica_Stadium_Casablanca 41.624/-0.9085 Spanish foundation
sports venue
sports club
Stadium Venecia 41.625134/-0.889187 sports venue
sports club
Sundial (copy of original in Oslo) and weather vane 41.564082899/-8.20531985 sculpture
Techumbre de la casa de Gabriel Sánchez artesonado
Tenerías square 41.653143/-0.871525 square
The Bernardo Aladrén Fundation Archiveón_Bernardo_Aladrén archive
Tocaburros 41.78689/-0.918349 triangulation station
Torre Ramona park 41.64128/-0.86105 park
Torrellas dungeons dungeon
Torrero neighborhood in Zaragoza
Torrero Jailón_de_Torrero 41.627389/-0.88676 prison
Torrero-La Paz district of Zaragoza
Torres de San Lamberto 41.665214228/-0.930744601 residential area
Tram line 1 (Zaragoza)ínea_1_del_tranvía_de_Zaragoza tram service
Tram line 10 (Zaragoza)ínea_10_(Los_Tranvías_de_Zaragoza) tram service
Tram line 12 (Zaragoza)ínea_12_(Los_Tranvías_de_Zaragoza) tram service
Tram line 13 (Zaragoza)ínea_13_(Los_Tranvías_de_Zaragoza) tram service
Tram line 14 (Zaragoza)ínea_14_(Los_Tranvías_de_Zaragoza) tram service
Tram line 15 (Zaragoza)ínea_15_(Los_Tranvías_de_Zaragoza) tram service
Tram line 16 (Zaragoza)ínea_16_(Los_Tranvías_de_Zaragoza) tram service
Tram line 17 (Zaragoza)ínea_17_(Los_Tranvías_de_Zaragoza) tram service
Tram line 3 (Zaragoza)ínea_3_(Los_Tranvías_de_Zaragoza) tram service
Tram line 4 (Zaragoza)ínea_4_(Los_Tranvías_de_Zaragoza) tram service
Tram line 6 (Zaragoza)ínea_6_(Los_Tranvías_de_Zaragoza) tram service
Tram line 7 (Zaragoza)ínea_7_(Los_Tranvías_de_Zaragoza) tram service
Tram line 8 (Zaragoza)ínea_8_(Los_Tranvías_de_Zaragoza) tram service
Tram line 9 (Zaragoza)ínea_9_(Los_Tranvías_de_Zaragoza) tram service
Trampantojo 41.65409/-0.87239 work of art
Trampantojo arquitectónico 41.657172575/-0.889271494 work of art
Tres Poyetes 41.813631/-0.995165 triangulation station
Tribute to the north wind sculpture
Unidad Rehabilitadora de Media Estancia Profesor Rey Ardid 41.688194444/-0.888944444 psychiatric hospital
Unidad de Documentación de la Estación Experimental de Aula Dei (CSIC) 41.7166/-0.810459 library branch
research library
Universidad Laboral 41.653363/-0.792085 triangulation station
Untitled (mural) 41.657179303/-0.889013838 mural
Vadorrey neighborhood in Zaragoza
Valdeatalaya 41.690627/-0.73707 triangulation station
Valdefierro neighborhood in Zaragoza
Valdespartera neighborhood in Zaragoza
Valle de Broto street 41.666442/-0.882375 street
Valle de Bujaruelo street 41.662141/-0.871903 street
Valle de Pineta street 41.667541263/-0.874497967 street
Valle del Roncal street 41.662391913/-0.87446917 street
Varillo de Belchite 41.562251/-0.812175 triangulation station
Vestry of the Virgin sacristy
Viaducto del AVE sobre la vega del río Huervaío_Huerva 41.609688807/-0.926354847 bridge
Vicente Berdusán street 41.651985877/-0.897960207 street
Villarrapa 41.74004/-1.07553 neighborhood in Zaragoza
populated place nucleus
district of Zaragoza
Violante de Hungría 41.638877/-0.901013 street
Vía Ibérica 41.628496/-0.907779 street
Vía Univérsitas 41.648048/-0.908585 street
Vía de Ramón Pignatelli 41.633309171/-0.887350338 street
We are LGTB Aragón LGBTQ association
Ximénez de Embún street 41.656099/-0.876853 street
Z-30 street
Z-40 autovía
Zaragoza 41.6333949/-0.882164816 GPS/GNSS permanent station
Zaragoza Cazar 41.646711/-0.88485 triangulation station
Zaragoza Farmers Association association
Zaragoza Fire Station number 3 41.638459/-0.89981 fire station
Zaragoza Fire Station number 4 41.718979/-1.026228 fire station
Zaragoza Fire Station number 5 41.592487527/-0.812207475 fire station
Zaragoza Pride pride parade
Zaragoza Provincial Deputation Fire Department fire department
professional fire brigade
Zaragoza arts school 41.662390878/-0.883914023 arts educational institution
Zaragoza islamic cemetery 41.623030035/-0.882156753 Islamic cemetery
communal cemetery
Zurita street 41.650237/-0.881297 street
archpriesthood Arrabal archpriesthood
archpriesthood Centro archpriesthood
archpriesthood Coronación de la Virgen archpriesthood
archpriesthood Gran Vía archpriesthood
archpriesthood Las Fuentes archpriesthood
archpriesthood Santa Engracia archpriesthood
archpriesthood Santo Dominguito de Val archpriesthood
avenida de la Jota 41.66100174/-0.860838313 avenue
baños de Marracoños_de_Marraco bathhouse
baños de Zacaríasños_de_Zacarías bathhouse
baños del Huervaños_del_Huerva bathhouse
building complex of the General Military Academy of Zaragoza 41.699242/-0.871329 building complex
calle Castillo 41.656257/-0.894779 street
calle Escuelas Pías 41.643477/-0.911884 street
calle Hernán Cortés 41.648037/-0.890221 street
calle Reina Petronila 41.650739042/-0.924720453 street
calle Teniente Coronel Valenzuela 41.6530465/-0.882846766 street
calle de Fernando de Antequera 41.637317978/-0.889533895 street
calle de Galo Ponte 41.654035012/-0.883138109 street
calle de Pedro I de Aragón 41.658540805/-0.900507941 street
calle de Ramiro I de Aragón 41.652823224/-0.91582929 street
calle de Ramiro II el monje 41.634908661/-0.887838229 street
calle de Ramón Cuéllar 41.654918936/-0.876323202 street
calle de San Vicente Mártir 41.645131/-0.880603 street
calle de Sancho Ramírez 41.632263175/-0.883806399 street
calle de Santiago Ramón y Cajal 41.653062/-0.886286 street
calle de Soria 41.637653746/-0.890907186 street
calle del Arzobispo Añoa del Busto 41.654345481/-0.902441934 street
calle del Arzobispo Doménech 41.643985758/-0.888118326 street
calle del Arzobispo Morcillo 41.637577572/-0.89055984 street
calle del Arzobispo Soldevila 41.654601039/-0.903860801 street
calle del Azoque 41.651602/-0.884342 street
calle del Cinco de Marzo 41.651819518/-0.882986941 street
calle del Cisne 41.654740911/-0.876346672 street
calle del Reino 41.659202/-0.898088 street
campo municipal de béisbol de Miralbueno 41.660031/-0.935732 baseball field
cemetery of Alfocea 41.723685417/-0.950011049 communal cemetery
cemetery of Casetas 41.717236213/-1.031240037 communal cemetery
cemetery of Garrapinillos 41.685664665/-1.030695503 parish cemetery
cemetery of Juslibol 41.693356824/-0.895266363 communal cemetery
cemetery of Montañana 41.691514936/-0.821603219 communal cemetery
cemetery of Monzalbarba 41.692291032/-0.979926254 communal cemetery
cemetery of Movera 41.632428239/-0.799657702 communal cemetery
cemetery of San Juan de Mozarrifar 41.71912324/-0.853392064 communal cemetery
cemetery of Torrecilla de Valmadrid 41.505253879/-0.854557858 communal cemetery
chapter room in Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar chapter house
choir stalls of the Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar, Zaragoza choir stalls
church of Santa Isabel de Portugal, Zaragoza 41.667640789/-0.831225521 Catholic parish church
Catholic church building
church of St. Joseph Pignatelli 41.647387388/-0.883517426 Catholic church building
church of the Royal Monastery of Santa Engracia destroyed church
abbey church
columbarium of the church of Santa Rita 41.641919444/-0.88195 columbarium
convento de las Carmelitas Descalzas de San José (Zaragoza) 41.666133/-0.856051 convent of Discalced Carmelite nuns
cuartel de Hernán Cortésán_Cortés building
cuartel de Santa Engracia building
cuartel de la Victoria building
district of Zaragoza
estación de La Cartuja 41.600777777/-0.819805555 railway station
former Tram line 1 (Zaragoza)ínea_1_(Los_Tranvías_de_Zaragoza) tram service
former Tram line 2 (Zaragoza)ínea_2_(Los_Tranvías_de_Zaragoza) tram service
former Zaragoza town hall 41.657933/-0.888899 building
former monastery of Santa Lucía 41.657709916/-0.889393124 destroyed monastery
future Tram line 2 (Zaragoza)ínea_2_del_tranvía_de_Zaragoza tram service
granero de Casetas 41.721472222/-1.016833333 granary
granero de Zaragoza-Barcelona 41.667805555/-0.833277777 granary
granero de Zaragoza-Castellón 41.632277777/-0.860138888 granary
iglesia de San Juan del Puente 41.655955167/-0.875954684 destroyed church
iglesia de San Juan el Viejo 41.653456767/-0.877489444 destroyed church
iglesia parroquial de Nuestra Señora de Belén 41.670606/-0.873328 Catholic parish church
iglesia parroquial de San Andrés Apóstol 41.670377/-0.882976 Catholic parish church
iglesia parroquial de San Gregorio Ostiense 41.69042472/-0.862494361 Catholic parish church
iglesia parroquial de San Lino 41.634002/-0.876479 Catholic parish church
línea 128 (TUZSA)ínea_128_(Urbanos_de_Zaragoza) bus route
línea 129ínea_129_(TUZSA) bus route
línea 20 (TUZSA)ínea_20_(TUZSA) bus route
línea 22 (TUZSA)ínea_22_(Avanza_Zaragoza) bus route
línea 24 (Avanza Zaragoza)ínea_24_(Avanza_Zaragoza) bus route
línea 27 (TUZSA)ínea_27_(Urbanos_de_Zaragoza) bus route
línea 29Cínea_29C_(TUZSA) bus route
línea 30 (TUZSA)ínea_30_(Avanza_Zaragoza) bus route
línea 31 (TUZSA)ínea_31_(Avanza_Zaragoza) bus route
línea 34 (TUZSA)ínea_34_(Avanza_Zaragoza) bus route
línea 35 (TUZSA)ínea_35_(Avanza_Zaragoza) bus route
línea 39 (TUZSA)ínea_39_(Avanza_Zaragoza) bus route
línea 43ínea_43_(Avanza_Zaragoza) bus route
línea 45 (TUZSA)ínea_45_(TUZSA) bus route
línea 48 (TUZSA)ínea_48_(Urbanos_de_Zaragoza) bus route
línea 50 (TUZSA)ínea_50_(Avanza_Zaragoza) bus route
línea 51 (Urbanos de Zaragoza)ínea_51_(Avanza_Zaragoza) bus route
línea 52 (TUZSA)ínea_52_(Avanza_Zaragoza) bus route
línea 53 (TUZSA)ínea_53_(Avanza_Zaragoza) bus route
línea 54 (TUZSA)ínea_54_(Avanza_Zaragoza) bus route
línea 55 (TUZSA)ínea_55_(Avanza_Zaragoza) bus route
línea 56 (TUZSA)ínea_56_(Avanza_Zaragoza) bus route
línea 57 (TUZSA)ínea_57_(Avanza_Zaragoza) bus route
línea 60ínea_60_(Avanza_Zaragoza) bus route
línea AS (TUZSA)ínea_59_(Avanza_Zaragoza) bus route
línea C2 (TUZSA)ínea_C2_(TUZSA) bus route
línea C7 (TUZSA)ínea_C7_(TUZSA) bus route
línea CEM (TUZSA)ínea_CEM_(Avanza_Zaragoza) bus route
línea INT (TUZSA)ínea_INT_(TUZSA) bus route
línea N1 (TUZSA)ínea_N1_(Avanza_Zaragoza) bus route
línea N2 (TUZSA)ínea_N2_(Avanza_Zaragoza) bus route
línea N3 (TUZSA)ínea_N3_(Avanza_Zaragoza) bus route
línea N4 (TUZSA)ínea_N4_(Avanza_Zaragoza) bus route
línea N5 (TUZSA)ínea_N5_(Avanza_Zaragoza) bus route
línea N6 (TUZSA)ínea_N6_(Avanza_Zaragoza) bus route
línea N7 (TUZSA)ínea_N7_(Avanza_Zaragoza) bus route
metropolitan seminary of San Valero and San Braulio 41.630305/-0.902195 Catholic seminary
neighborhood in Zaragoza
parish of Our Lady of Portillo Catholic parish
parque de La Paz 41.6286/-0.8792 park
paseo de Calanda 41.6513/-0.90341 promenade
presbytery of La Seo of Zaragoza presbytery
puente colgante sobre el río Gállego 41.668495/-0.84181 footbridge
suspension bridge
puente de Alfocea 41.708852777/-0.956088888 bridge
puente de Valdefierro sobre el Canal bridge
puente de la A-2 sobre el Ebro 41.6805209/-0.9004651 road bridge
puente de la Z-40 sobre el Ebro 41.6317064/-0.8397009 road bridge
puente de la Z-40 sobre el Gállegoállego 41.694395067/-0.836160253 bridge
puente de la carretera de Valencia bridge
puente del Emperador Augusto 41.640787/-0.889587 bridge
puente del Ferrocarril (Zaragoza) 41.650746/-0.853383 high-speed railway bridge
puente del ferrocarril de Caminreal bridge
puente sobre el río Huerva 41.648762/-0.875723 bridge
puerto fluvial de Vadorrey 41.652981/-0.860276 inland port
reliquary bust of Saint Braulio reliquary bust
sección de Etnología y Cerámica del Museo de Zaragoza 41.636574922/-0.898137564 museum
sillería del coreto de la Virgen choir stalls
silo de Zaragoza-Barcelona 41.667861111/-0.833638888 silo
silo de Zaragoza-Castellón 41.632416666/-0.86025 silo
small choir of the Virgin 41.65651133/-0.87793025 choir
valle de Gistain street 41.665182293/-0.872608697 street
velodrome David Cañada 41.619556111/-0.897223055 velodrome
velodrome of Torreroódromo_de_Torrero 41.630633055/-0.883761111 defunct sports venue
vía de San Fernando 41.634836053/-0.883078287 street
Ángel Sanz Briz square 41.637872/-0.866945 square
Ángel y niño sculpture
End of automatically generated list.