British Mandate for Palestine (Q4970316)

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A Mandate granted to the UK by the League of Nations to ensure the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in the Land of Israel, recognizing the historical connection between the Jewish people and its historic homeland
Language Label Description Also known as
British Mandate for Palestine
A Mandate granted to the UK by the League of Nations to ensure the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in the Land of Israel, recognizing the historical connection between the Jewish people and its historic homeland


    Докладная записка британского кабинета №1785 от декабря 1922, содержащая Палестинсий мандат и Трансиорданский меморандум (Russian)
    Muka depan memorandum Mandat untuk Palestin dan Transjordan, yang dibentangkan di Parlimen UK pada Disember 1922, sebelum ia berkuat kuasa pada tahun 1923 (Malay)
    0 references
    15 May 1948
    0 references
    British Mandate of Palestine
