Description location the item, object or event is within. Qualify with start time (P580) and end time (P582) as appropriate. Represents physical location (Q17334923) Data type Item Domain any object or event that can be located
(note: this should be moved to the property statements)Allowed values any instance or subclass of physical location (Q17334923)
(note: this should be moved to the property statements)Example Mona Lisa (Q12418) → Louvre Museum (Q19675) Great Smog of London (Q913640) → London (Q84) Battle of the Hornburg (Q1764229) → Helm's Deep (Q1641279) De Hollandsche Molen (Q2611643) → Neede (Q1350047) Battle of Chios (Q4497840) → Chios Strait (Q5101461) Passover (Q121393) → worldwide (Q13780930) bronchitis (Q173022) → bronchus (Q181602) Commons example Source See
(note: this information should be moved to a property statement; use property source website for the property (P1896) ) Tracking: same no label (Q42533341) Tracking: differences no label (Q55283114) Tracking: usage Category:Pages using Wikidata property P276 (Q23909010) Tracking: local yes, WD no no label (Q55283111) See also headquarters location (P159) , coordinate location (P625) , located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) , located in/on physical feature (P706) , located in or next to body of water (P206) , location of discovery (P189) , work location (P937) , located on street (P669) , located in protected area (P3018) , valid in place (P3005) , anatomical location (P927) , location of creation (P1071) , filming location (P915) , location of the point of view (P7108) , significant place (P7153) , recording location (P8546) , recorded at studio or venue (P483) , located in statistical territorial entity (P8138) Lists
Proposal discussion Proposal discussion Current uses Total 3,713,845 Main statement 3,506,647 94.4% of uses Qualifier 206,727 5.6% of uses Reference 471 <0.1% of uses
Search for values
create Create a translatable help page (preferably in English) for this property to be included here ]
Value type “physical location (Q17334923) , geographical feature (Q618123) , geographic region (Q82794) , fictional location (Q3895768) , event (Q1656682) , shell of an astronomical object (Q47495022) , extremity (Q20203388) , orbit (Q4130) , astronomical object (Q6999) , Lagrangian point (Q190463) , space (Q2133296) , anatomical structure (Q4936952) , part (Q15989253) , club (Q988108) , mass media (Q11033) , educational institution (Q2385804) , soil (Q36133) , facility (Q13226383) , geographic location (Q2221906) , fictional vessel (Q18670171) , mythical location (Q3238337) , namespace on MediaWiki (Q118547484) , cyberspace (Q204606) , storage (Q9158768) , shelving location (Q121141099) , building (Q41176) , library (Q7075) , archive (Q166118) , organization (Q43229) ” : This property should use items as value that contain property “
instance of (P31) ,
subclass of (P279) ”. On these, the value for
instance of (P31) ,
subclass of (P279) should be an item that uses
subclass of (P279) with value
physical location (Q17334923) ,
geographical feature (Q618123) ,
geographic region (Q82794) ,
fictional location (Q3895768) ,
event (Q1656682) ,
shell of an astronomical object (Q47495022) ,
extremity (Q20203388) ,
orbit (Q4130) ,
astronomical object (Q6999) ,
Lagrangian point (Q190463) ,
space (Q2133296) ,
anatomical structure (Q4936952) ,
part (Q15989253) ,
club (Q988108) ,
mass media (Q11033) ,
educational institution (Q2385804) ,
soil (Q36133) ,
facility (Q13226383) ,
geographic location (Q2221906) ,
fictional vessel (Q18670171) ,
mythical location (Q3238337) ,
namespace on MediaWiki (Q118547484) ,
cyberspace (Q204606) ,
storage (Q9158768) ,
shelving location (Q121141099) ,
building (Q41176) ,
library (Q7075) ,
archive (Q166118) ,
organization (Q43229) (or a subclass thereof). (
Help )
Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303) . Known exceptions: mind (Q450) List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P276#Value type Q17334923, Q618123, Q82794, Q3895768, Q1656682, Q47495022, Q20203388, Q4130, Q6999, Q190463, Q2133296, Q4936952, Q15989253, Q988108, Q11033, Q2385804, Q36133, Q13226383, Q2221906, Q18670171, Q3238337, Q118547484, Q204606, Q9158768, Q121141099, Q41176, Q7075, Q166118, Q43229 , SPARQL
Qualifiers “start time (P580) , end time (P582) , point in time (P585) , foundational text (P457) , sourcing circumstances (P1480) , country (P17) , postal code (P281) , coordinate location (P625) , applies to part, aspect, or form (P518) , located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) , floor number (P5423) , statement is subject of (P805) , street address (P6375) , latest date (P1326) , nature of statement (P5102) , end period (P3416) , directions (P2795) , earliest date (P1319) , end cause (P1534) , criterion used (P1013) , relative to (P2210) , reason for deprecated rank (P2241) , reason for preferred rank (P7452) , name (P2561) , room number (P7532) , including (P1012) , excluding (P1011) , latest start date (P8555) , earliest end date (P8554) , location (P276) , series ordinal (P1545) , adjacent building (P3032) , subject named as (P1810) , direction relative to location (P654) , native label (P1705) , quotation (P1683) , applies to work (P10663) , refine date (P4241) , official website (P856) , object named as (P1932) , has part(s) (P527) , statement supported by (P3680) , house number (P670) , located on street (P669) , object of statement has role (P3831) , has cause (P828) , latest end date (P12506) ” : this property should be used only with the listed qualifiers. (
Help )
Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303) . List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P276#allowed qualifiers , SPARQL
This property is being used by:
la:Formula:Capsa scholae Vicidata , la:Formula:Capsa scholae Vicidatorum
ru:Шаблон:Кинофестиваль , ru:Шаблон:Террористическая атака
ru:Шаблон:Легкоатлетическое соревнование , ru:Шаблон:Турнир по конькобежному спорту
el:Κουτί πληροφοριών διεθνούς ποδοσφαιρικής διοργάνωσης , el:Πρότυπο:Πληροφορίες κτιρίου , el:Πρότυπο:Πληροφορίες ποταμού , el:Πρότυπο:Κουτί πληροφοριών σταδίου , el:Πρότυπο:Κουτί πληροφοριών λίμνης , el:Πρότυπο:Πληροφορίες ραδιοφωνικού σταθμού
av:Шаблон:Авиакатастрофа , av:Халип:Авиакатастрофа
bh:टेम्पलेट:Infobox telescope , bh:टेम्पलेट:Infobox civil conflict
bn:টেমপ্লেট:তথ্যছক টেলিস্কোপ , bn:টেমপ্লেট:উইকিউপাত্ত অবস্থান , bn:টেমপ্লেট:তথ্যছক বেসামরিক সংঘর্ষ
cy:Nodyn:Infobox telescope , cy:Nodyn:Gwybodlen telesgop/Wicidata , cy:Nodyn:Wikidata Infobox , cy:Nodyn:Lat wd
en:Template:Infobox observatory , en:Template:Infobox telescope , en:Template:HPC row , en:Template:Wikidata location/debug , en:Template:Infobox games , en:Template:Infobox civil conflict , en:Template:Infobox public transit accident , en:Template:Infobox uncivil conflict
es:Plantilla:Ficha de organismo oficial , es:Plantilla:Ficha de festival de cine , es:Plantilla:Ficha de premio , es:Plantilla:Ficha de obra de arte , es:Plantilla:Ficha de fiesta , es:Plantilla:Ficha de lugar ficticio , es:Plantilla:FdeCOMPDEP , es:Plantilla:Ficha de competición deportiva , es:Plantilla:Wikidata Infobox , es:Plantilla:Wikidata location , es:Plantilla:Ficha de eventos de lucha libre , es:Plantilla:Ficha de evento , es:Plantilla:Ficha de edificio , es:Plantilla:Ficha de plan de operaciones , es:Plantilla:Ficha de estructura militar , es:Plantilla:Ficha de conflicto , es:Plantilla:Ficha de cofradía , es:Plantilla:Ficha de mina , es:Plantilla:Ficha de teatro , es:Plantilla:Ficha de virgen , es:Plantilla:Ficha de biblioteca , es:Plantilla:Ficha de comida , es:Plantilla:Ficha de complejo cultural , es:Plantilla:Ficha de escuela , es:Plantilla:Ficha de monumento , es:Plantilla:Ficha de museo , es:Plantilla:Ficha de puente , es:Plantilla:Ficha de recinto deportivo , es:Plantilla:Ficha de infraestructura industrial , es:Plantilla:Ficha de hospital , es:Plantilla:Ficha de bien de interés cultural , es:Plantilla:Ficha de faro , es:Plantilla:Ficha de hotel , es:Plantilla:Ficha de región , es:Plantilla:Ficha de yacimiento arqueológico , es:Plantilla:Ficha de yacimiento paleontológico , es:Plantilla:Ficha de centro comercial , es:Plantilla:Ficha de parque de atracciones , es:Plantilla:Ficha de playa , es:Plantilla:Ficha de parque , es:Plantilla:Ficha de puerto , es:Plantilla:Ficha de fiesta/zona de pruebas , es:Plantilla:Ficha de túnel , es:Plantilla:Ficha de canal , es:Plantilla:Ficha de órgano legislativo
eu:Txantiloi:Teleskopio infotaula , eu:Txantiloi:Artelan infotaula automatikoa , eu:Txantiloi:Lat wd , eu:Txantiloi:Lon wd , eu:Txantiloi:Eraikin infotaula automatikoa , eu:Txantiloi:Etapa emaitza , eu:Txantiloi:Lan infotaula automatikoa , eu:Txantiloi:Lan infotaula , eu:Txantiloi:Objektu infotaula , eu:Txantiloi:Talde etniko infotaula automatikoa
n:fr:Modèle:Topic cat
hi:साँचा:Infobox Observatory , hi:साँचा:Wikidata Infobox/core
hu:Sablon:Bűncselekmény infobox , hu:Sablon:Iskola infobox , hu:Sablon:Menedékház infobox , hu:Sablon:Népszavazás infobox , hu:Sablon:Híres növény infobox , hu:Sablon:Festmény infobox , hu:Sablon:Hajókatasztrófa infobox , hu:Sablon:Építmény infobox , hu:Sablon:Légikatasztrófa infobox
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ja:Template:Infobox 天文台 , ja:Template:望遠鏡
kk:Үлгі:Лаңкестік акт
ky:Калып:Террордук чабуул
lt:Šablonas:Infolentelė teleskopas , lt:Šablonas:Wikidata location
mk:Шаблон:Инфокутија Телескоп , mk:Шаблон:Википодатоци-место
ro:Format:Infocaseta Conflict militar , ro:Format:Infocaseta Atac civil , ro:Format:Infocaseta Lăcaș de cult , ro:Format:Infocaseta Monument , ro:Format:Infocaseta Conflict civil , ro:Format:Infocaseta Coroană
uk:Шаблон:Картка:Цвинтар , uk:Шаблон:Картка музичного фестивалю , uk:Шаблон:Водосховище , uk:Шаблон:Школа , uk:Шаблон:Гора , uk:Шаблон:Картка:Університет , uk:Шаблон:Палац , uk:Шаблон:Витвір мистецтва , uk:Шаблон:Станція , uk:Шаблон:Газета , uk:Шаблон:Картка організації , uk:Шаблон:Музей , uk:Шаблон:Острів , uk:Шаблон:Перекладена книга , uk:Шаблон:Ядерне випробування , uk:Шаблон:Печера , uk:Шаблон:Озеро , uk:Шаблон:Газове родовище , uk:Шаблон:Лабораторія , uk:Шаблон:Родовище , uk:Шаблон:Сонячне затемнення , uk:Шаблон:Картка:Бібліотека , uk:Шаблон:Картка:Громадянський конфлікт/пісочниця , uk:Шаблон:Картка:Організація , uk:Шаблон:Картка:Організація/пісочниця , uk:Шаблон:Тунель , uk:Шаблон:Угода , uk:Шаблон:Терористична атака , uk:Шаблон:Катастрофа , uk:Шаблон:Infobox custom computer , uk:Шаблон:Торговий центр , uk:Шаблон:Вулиця , uk:Шаблон:Академічна установа , uk:Шаблон:Тенісний турнір , uk:Шаблон:Картка:Наукова організація , uk:Шаблон:Заклад вищої освіти , uk:Шаблон:Промова , uk:Шаблон:Газове родовище/пісочниця , uk:Шаблон:Концтабір , uk:Шаблон:Балет
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gv:Clowan:WD Kishtey Fys Dooinney
pap:Template:Infobox molen
ru:Шаблон:Вымышленная организация
Please notify projects that use this property before big changes (renaming, deletion, merge with another property, etc.)
Why only current location? All locations could be listed with start and end dates. Danrok (talk ) 10:05, 25 September 2013 (UTC) [ reply ]
This was intended to be used to mean the current location of an object as opposed to the discovery place, production place etc; But this property was created before qualifiers and ranks. Now that we have both of them, I think we can indeed use start date rank = preferred for the current value (it is more efficient, and easier to retrieve than a qualifier, and sometimes we do not know the exact start date). So I'd like to propose this property for deletion through merging with P766 (P766) . -Zolo (talk ) 17:04, 15 February 2014 (UTC) [ reply ]
See also collection (P195) . --Kolja21 (talk ) 23:31, 28 November 2013 (UTC) [ reply ]
What is the relationship between location (P276) and P1134 (P1134) ? It seems like there's considerable overlap. --Delirium (talk ) 13:36, 10 December 2014 (UTC) [ reply ]
Probably P1134 is the next item to be merged with P276, although the property is not yet nominated. Its possible nomination is mentioned in the deletion-discussion of 'event location'. Michiel1972 (talk ) 15:53, 10 December 2014 (UTC) [ reply ]
I think merging is a good idea, also for the position of the property in the entity suggester. :) Sjoerd de Bruin (talk) 15:56, 10 December 2014 (UTC) [ reply ]
P1134 will be merged with P276, so I will change the description (property can be used now for villages, neighborhoods, parks, etc) Michiel1972 (talk ) 22:51, 19 January 2015 (UTC) [ reply ]
Whenever an item has collection (P195) it is redundant to have the same information with p276. I´d like to have p276 to show the city or place, where the collection is located. In this way we can use both properties in infoboxes: Mona Lisa (Q12418) p195 => Louvre (Q19675), p276 => Paris q90. Very often it is quite unclear by the name of the museum alone to know where it is located.--Giftzwerg 88 (talk ) 02:07, 19 January 2015 (UTC) [ reply ]
please see located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) --Oursana (talk ) 03:15, 20 January 2015 (UTC) [ reply ]
I think p131 is for adminstrative purposes to show the dependencies between administrative units. But if we do agree to use p 131, then p276 should be dropped completely as it is redundant.--Giftzwerg 88 (talk ) 10:36, 28 January 2015 (UTC) [ reply ]
Can someone with knowledge of constraints add the constraint that the item added as value for P276 should not be an administrative entity (but not when the subject item is an [subclass of] event). Since we should use P131 instead of P276 for these cases. Michiel1972 (talk ) 10:19, 28 January 2015 (UTC) [ reply ]
Ivan ? Multichill (talk ) 12:38, 15 February 2015 (UTC) [ reply ]
Current constraints set does not allow to check this case. The case is looked very specific, custom report can help maybe. — Ivan A. Krestinin (talk ) 17:23, 15 February 2015 (UTC) [ reply ]
P1134 (P1134) was deprecated and this property should be used. Not all translations have been updated yet so you might want to check your language. Multichill (talk ) 12:37, 15 February 2015 (UTC) [ reply ]
Is there a qualifier for 'room' when to label the location of an artwork on display? Or should we add the room as wikidata-item and use that as location? --Hannolans (talk ) 18:14, 29 October 2016 (UTC) [ reply ]
I think in the meantime you found out that it is handled like the least--Oursana (talk ) 00:41, 12 January 2017 (UTC) [ reply ]
Is there a similar property to this but for geometric locations? E.g. a painting depicts an apple and its location is (on) the table. My actual use case would be heraldry so I specifically don't want anything that references the image (P18) value (if one exists). /Lokal Profil (talk ) 09:49, 8 November 2018 (UTC) [ reply ]
So e.g. relative position within image (P2677) would not be suitable. /Lokal Profil (talk ) 10:14, 8 November 2018 (UTC) [ reply ]
I don't think there is. I'm not sure what is being cooked up for depicts on Commons. For COA, maybe an item-based version should be developed. --- Jura 15:29, 9 November 2018 (UTC) [ reply ]
What would that be? @So9q : you add this to the description today. --- Jura 09:22, 22 June 2020 (UTC) [ reply ]
For use on data sets. See example here . Location is recommended by the data set wikiproject if I understood correctly.--So9q (talk ) 13:31, 22 June 2020 (UTC) [ reply ]
I don't think this is currently in scope. We actually lack a property for geographic coverage. It might work in your sample but if the items is a physical map "location" would be meant to mean the place where the physical map is located, not what it covers. --- Jura 13:38, 22 June 2020 (UTC) [ reply ]
Oh. I was not aware of that. The data set in question ONLY contains features located within swedish borders (as opposed to an imaginary data set that also includes features located in Norway). That is what I'm trying to model with "location". In case that does not work could you suggest a new/existing property that does work in this case? Thanks in advance. Oh, and please do revert my edit if you want.--So9q (talk ) 20:48, 23 June 2020 (UTC) [ reply ]
The documentation says "In the case of an administrative entity use P131".
It means "If the object is an administrative entity use P131", right? Syced (talk ) 08:31, 13 October 2020 (UTC) [ reply ]
My understanding is that the item that you are linking can be anything, but the item that you link to should not be an administrative entity. But I fully agree that this is described ambiguously. -- H005 (talk ) 09:56, 26 October 2020 (UTC) [ reply ]
I think the wording could indeed be improved. Normally if subject and object are administrative entities, then P131 should be used.
For buildings and structures (as subjects), P131 should also be used if the it's located within an administrative entity (the object).
Events, moveable objects (e.g. paintings) and other concepts just use location (P276) . --- Jura 19:34, 2 November 2020 (UTC) [ reply ]
In this edit Andra added this property as a qualifier for itself. I don't think that's correct, looking at I only see modelling mistakes. Any thoughts? Multichill (talk ) 16:08, 17 January 2021 (UTC) [ reply ]
@Multichill : a random look of cases of your query, it seems:
In some cases, it's not necessary, because the location of this value is in its item (ex.: Q6359558#P276 or Q80438042#P276 ).
In other cases, as Q51954858#P276 it could be necessary, because the value (Soho House (Q7554758) ) is an organitzation and the P276 qualifier is the specific location. It could be use P131, instead. However, in this case, as it is a film, I think it may be changed by narrative location (P840) and use P276 as a qualifier, if I understood the concept.
If you agree, I may clean up this list of mistakes. Amadalvarez (talk ) 21:58, 24 March 2021 (UTC) [ reply ]
P276 is defined as "location the item, object or event is within". I understand is a more precise location that can be defined within collection (P195) for art object, or similar. However, when P276 is used together with headquarters location (P159) in organitzations, P276 should be qualifier of P159, as its described in Property_talk:P159#Ontology_to_hold_a_multi-value_and_its_qualifiers . P159 must be a geographical entity, so the P276 must be some place more specific within P159 value. When, in addition, we have more than one headquarter, the P276 should not be main property. Now, we have a few thousands of items with both, P159 & P276, as a main property and I propose to fix them. Any suggestion ?. Amadalvarez (talk ) 22:35, 24 March 2021 (UTC) [ reply ]
Question for more knowledgeable editors: International Space Station (Q25271) is used with location (P276) in a lot of places, but for some reason the system always gives flags like "Entities using the webcam page URL property should be instances of location or organization (or of a subclass of them), but International Space Station currently isn't" (on Q25271 ) or "Values of location statements should be instances or subclasses of one of the following classes (or of one of their subclasses), but International Space Station currently isn't" (on Q56042850 ), even though it is in the physical location (Q17334923) tree through the subclass space laboratory (Q1471432) . Anyone have an idea why this is happening?
Also, I'd like to add a subclass to space station (Q25956) putting it in the physical location (Q17334923) tree (since they're intended as semi-permanent to permanent outposts), but I'm really not sure what item would be most appropriate. Any thoughts there? Thanks! — Huntster (t @ c ) 00:19, 22 July 2021 (UTC) [ reply ]
Would 'suburb' be a valid alias for location (P276) ? It already has neighbourhood/neighborhood, which I think is a similar concept. Sam Wilson 14:07, 29 July 2022 (UTC) [ reply ]
Done Sam Wilson 05:27, 17 October 2022 (UTC) [ reply ]
Hello, I do not understand, why location (P276) is not recommended for images like File:2019 ColognePride - CSD-Parade-8889.jpg . What did I do wrong? Any recommandations? Raymond (talk ) 05:58, 28 March 2023 (UTC) [ reply ]
@Raymond : use location of creation (P1071) , I replaced it . c:Commons:Structured data/Modeling/Location has a bit more info.
Wikidata property talk page is not really the best location to ask questions about Commons. c:Commons talk:Structured data/Modeling or c:Commons talk:Structured data probably gets more views. Multichill (talk ) 21:26, 1 April 2023 (UTC) [ reply ]
@Multichill Thank you for your answer. I am not really sure if I like P1071 for the statement, where a picture was taken. In my understanding "location of creation" is the place where the depicted object, like an artwork, was created. But not the photo of the artwork. Anyway, I will have a look to the other pages you mentioned. Raymond (talk ) 08:04, 2 April 2023 (UTC) [ reply ]
@Raymond :
Statements apply to a subject. Here on Wikidata the subject is an item. So for example on: Laughing Cavalier (Q965124)
Subject Laughing Cavalier (Q965124) , Predicate: location of creation (P1071) , Object Haarlem (Q9920)
On Commons the photograph is the subject in the MediaInfo. So for File:2019 ColognePride - CSD-Parade-8889.jpg :
Subject File:2019 ColognePride - CSD-Parade-8889.jpg , Predicate: location of creation (P1071) , Object Cologne (Q365)
And to take a more complicated example: File:The Laughing Cavalier.JPG
Subject File:The Laughing Cavalier.JPG , Predicate: location of creation (P1071) , Object The Wallace Collection (Q1327919)
Multichill (talk ) 10:17, 2 April 2023 (UTC) [ reply ]
@Multichill I understand, thank you. Maybe I have missed discussions in the past about the modelling of normal photographs. Raymond (talk ) 10:34, 2 April 2023 (UTC) [ reply ]
I removed some of the constraint classes with this edit as they were redundant to other items in the constraint list. Also removed two of the exceptions as relevant classes were later added to the constraint list, so were also redundant. Feel free to revert if any issues pop up, but I see no reason why they should. — Huntster (t @ c ) 22:02, 3 July 2023 (UTC) [ reply ]