Please Read First


The T&D WebStorage API (from here, open API) can be used to retrieve data directly from the T&D WebStorage Service platform.
Upon user requests we designed this API to allow users to retrieve data in a more effective and convenient way to fit their own needs rather than always having to get all data and sort through it.
Further, we are planning to provide more open API in the future to allow users to get such info as "latest device status", "measurement readings only from specific devices" and "warning report lists".

About Model Compatibility

Because there are differences in how devices, which can be used with T&D WebStorage Service, communicate and data storage is handled, compatibility with our open API also varies depending upon the model being used.

TR7A2/7A, TR-7wb/nw/wf series Get Current Readings
Get Latest Data (300 most recent readings) [TR7A2/7A, TR-7wb/nw/wf, TR4A, TR32B]
Get Data by Specific Period and Number [TR7A2/7A, TR-7wb/nw/wf, TR4A, TR32B]
TR4A series Get Current Readings
Get Latest Data (300 most recent readings) [TR7A2/7A, TR-7wb/nw/wf, TR4A, TR32B]
Get Data by Specific Period and Number [TR7A2/7A, TR-7wb/nw/wf, TR4A, TR32B]
RTR500B series (via HTTPS) Get Current Readings
Get Latest Data (300 most recent readings) [RTR500BW/RTR500BM]
Get Data by Specific Period and Number [RTR500BW/RTR500BM]
RTR500B series (via FTP) Get Current Readings
TR-5i/TR-7Ui series Not compatible.
TR32B Get Current Readings
Get Latest Data (300 most recent readings) [TR7A2/7A, TR-7wb/nw/wf, TR4A, TR32B]
Get Data by Specific Period and Number [TR7A2/7A, TR-7wb/nw/wf, TR4A, TR32B]
RTR-500 series Get Current Readings
TR-700W series Get Current Readings

There are no plans to make the open API compatible with TR-5i/TR-7Ui Series.

How to Use

Please read for a better understanding of how to use our open API.
For details about each, see the dedicated page for that API. Below is a brief explanation about steps to take in order to use our API.

1. Get an API Key.

In order to use an open API, it is first necessary to login to T&D WebStorage Service and from the management screen obtain an API Key.
The API Key will be a set of 45 characters, like that shown below.
Only one API Key can be assigned to each user ID. Therefore it is important identifying information and should be safeguarded and not shared with others.

<Sample API Key> 73pfobnche8d1p6laqnemsbnpkght3bjv047oid6p2sg3

2. Access the desired API.

Please access the open API you wish to use by entering your User ID (or read-Only ID), password and API Key.

The actual request process will be along the following lines.

EX) You wish to request the most recent 100 readings of Current Readings Graph Data from a device with serial number 52120001.

POST /v1/devices/latest-data HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-HTTP-Method-Override: GET


*This is simply a sample and the actual request form and format may be different. For more details, check the page for each API.

In this case, a response like the following in JSON format will be returned.
* Depending on the API, the response format can be selected

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
X-RateLimit-Limit: 60
X-RateLimit-Reset: 60
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 57

	"name":"outside window on east side",
			"unixtime": 123456789,
			"unixtime": 123456800,
		}, ... ,{
			"unixtime": 123456999,

*This is simply a sample and the actual request form and format may be different. For more details, check the page for each API.

Notes about Usage of the WebStorage API

About access via JavaScript from user-side HTML content:

This open API starts service as a response to receiving a “get data request" from the user’s system.
At this point in time, our open API does not include a function to utilize JavaScript embedded into a user’s HTML content to get and then display data into your browser. (The API cannot be used to directly supply data to HTML content to such things as parts of a blog.)
If you wish to display data into your own HTML content, it will be necessary to first save the data retrieved from our company server by your own server program and then use the stored data in your HTML content.

* If you wish to make use of JavaScript embedded in your HTML content to display data see our FAQs page for more details.

The number of times an API can be used during a set period of time by one user is limited (Rate Limit).

Usage limits have been set for each of our open API according to a set number of times over a set period of time per User ID (including read-Only Ids).
Please be aware that we have done this to ensure fair access and usage for each and every one of our customers.

For details about the rate limits for each API, see the page for that API.