National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

NOAA Weather Radio

NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) Frequencies Seven Frequencies in the VHF Public Service Band

162.400 MHz 162.500 MHz
162.425 MHz 162.525 MHz  
162.450 MHz    162.550 MHz  
162.475 MHz    
Note: Channel numbers, e.g., WX1, WX2, etc. have no special significance but are often designated this way in consumer equipment. Other channel numbering schemes are also possible.







The NWR NOAA Weather Radionetwork continuously broadcasts local and nearshore coastal marine forecasts produced by local Weather Forecast Offices. Coastal stations broadcast predicted tides and real time observations from buoys and coastal meteorological stations operated by the National Data Buoy Center. Based on user demand, where feasible, NWS also broadcasts Offshore and Open Lake forecasts.

Tp use NWR, you must program your radio to the right frequency. As you transit along the coastline, you will will need to reset your radio to continue receiving NWR broadcasts.


The NWR network provides near continuous coverage for most coastal areas served by NWS offices. Typical coverage is 25 nautical miles offshore. To expand NWR coverage in Alaska, NWS and U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) established a network of low-power 5-watt NWR transmitters at USCG "high" sites from the Dixon Entrance to Bristol Bay, AK. These low power transmitters operate on standard NWR frequencies under joint licensing with the NWS. (For more information, see NWR at USCG Sites in Alaska.) Locations of coastal NWR stations are listed in the Station Listing and Coverage page. Click on "Call Sign" to see the NWR broadcast footprint.

Several NWR transmitters are Marine-Only, broadcasting marine information on a more rapid cycle than possible with All-Hazard transmitters. These transmitters are typically established as part of a cooperative effort between the local marine community and NWS. For information on how to establish a Marine-Only transmitter in your area, contact NWS.


Channel numbers on some receivers, e.g., WX1, WX2, have no special significance. Most VHF marine radiotelephones have the ability to receive NWR broadcasts; however, NWS recommends having a separate NWR receiver aboard so mariners may maintain a simultaneous watch on NWR and marine VHF channels. Information on Rules which require listening to your VHF marine radio are available courtesy of the USCG Maritime Telecommunications Information Webpage.


If you hear words in a broadcast which you feel need to have the pronunciation adjusted, forward your comments to the appropriate NWS forecast office so they can attempt to improve the pronunciation. 

1050 Hz Warning Alarm TONE ALERTS
NWS transmits an automated 1050 Hz tone that automatically activates compatible NWR receivers when a severe weather situation exists anywhere in the transmitter's coverage area. Many (but not all) NWR receivers incorporate this feature. Many VHF marine radiotelephones incorporate this feature, however some require an active NWR channel and using a non-scanning mode for the highest level of effectiveness. Therefore, NWS again recommends having a separate NWR receiver aboard to maintain a simultaneous watch on NWR and marine VHF channels.

In accordance with national policy, and at forecaster discretion, the 1050 Hz tone may not be transmitted for marine events. This is done to avoid frequently alerting users ashore.

Specific Area Message Encoding (SAME) ALERTS

A digital encoding system incorporating technology known as SAME allows receivers equipped with the SAME feature to automatically sound an alert for only certain weather conditions or within a limited geographic, area such as a county or a marine zone. Unlike the 1050 Hz Warning Alarm Tone, the Event Codes listed in Table * (bottom of page) are always transmitted using SAME codes. Note that few VHF marine radiotelephones contain the SAME feature. Most marine radios require selecting an active NWR channel and using a non-scanning mode for the highest level of effectiveness.

You must program the NWR receiver to the proper station frequency, SAME geographic codes(s), and SAME event codes(s), for it to function as intended. SAME codes for all NWS marine zones can be found in the Marine Text Forecasts by Zone section.

SAME Geographic Codes

NWS uses 6-digit SAME geographic codes to program SAME-capable NWR receivers to receive alert messages for user-specified areas. To maintain weather awareness, mariners are highly encouraged to enter the SAME geographic codes for nearby land areas.

This is particularly critical because many navigable marine areas, such as rivers, smaller bays and tributaries, are not part of designated NWS marine zones. Consult the NWR County by County page for these codes.

For a listing of marine SAME geographic codes, see the Marine Text Forecasts by Zone section.  Here is a simple text listing of all marine SAME geographic codes. Although SAME geographic codes exist for offshore forecast zones, Great Lakes MAFORs and forecast synopses, they are not broadcast on NWR. The first digit of the marine SAME geographic code is 0, the second and third digits correspond to the "pseudo" state code, corresponding to broad coastal areas, as follows:

State Code
The Marine Area
73 Western North Atlantic Ocean, and along U.S. East Coast, from Canadian border south to Currituck Beach Light, NC.
75 Western North Atlantic Ocean, and along U.S. East Coast south of Currituck Beach Light, NC, following the coastline into Gulf of Mexico to Ocean Reef, FL, including the Caribbean.
77 Gulf of Mexico, and along the U.S. Gulf Coast from the Mexican border to Ocean Reef, FL
57 Eastern North Pacific Ocean, and along U.S. West Coast from Canadian border to Mexican border
58 North Pacific Ocean near Alaska, and along Alaska coastline, including the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska
59 Central Pacific Ocean, including Hawaiian waters
65 Western Pacific Ocean, including Mariana Islands waters
61 South Central Pacific Ocean, including American Samoa waters
91 Lake Superior
92 Lake Michigan
93 Lake Huron
94 Lake St. Clair
96 Lake Erie
97 Lake Ontario
98 St. Lawrence River above St. Regis


As one example, when consulting the marine codes for the Atlantic, the marine zone for the Chesapeake Bay from North Beach to Drum Point, MD, is zone 534. Since the "pseudo" state code is 73, the 6 digit SAME geographic code is 073534.

Similarly, NWS recommends that mariners program their NWR receivers with the SAME geographic codes of regional marine areas to maintain a greater level of weather awareness.

SAME Geographic Codes For Mariners In Transit

For mariners in transit who are using NWR receivers or marine VHF radios with SAME capability, NWS recommends programming the radio to the All County Code Option, if available, to avoid the need to enter each discrete SAME geographic code as the vessel moves along the coast. In this mode, the receiver will alarm for all watches, warnings and emergency messages, much like a conventional warning alarm receiver ensuring the greatest margin of safety.

For NWR SAME receivers able to receive SAME alerts for all counties within a given state, set the county code portion of the SAME geographic code to 000 for a state (e.g., 024000 for Maryland). The SAME geographic codes for marine areas use pseudo-state codes listed in the table above.

Similarly, a mariner on Chesapeake Bay in Maryland using an NWR receiver with a SAME alert capability for receiving alerts for all counties within a given state would enter a SAME geographic code of 073000 to receive warnings of any marine weather event in the general area, rather than having to program the receiver for several neighboring marine zones. Entering the SAME geographic code for Maryland, 024000, would not alert the user for any marine weather events.

As another example, a mariner in transit using an NWR receiver with SAME and "all-state" code capability could enter 073000 to receive all broadcast NWR warnings for marine areas between the Canadian border and Currituck Beach Light, NC. Once again, you must change NWR frequencies as you travel along the coastline.

SAME Event Codes

Some receiver equipment allows users to specific the Event Codes for which they wish to be notified. If the receiver contains this feature, the mariner should program their receiver for the following SAME event codes which are applicable to marine zones. See Emergency Alert System/NWR-SAME Event Codes and your receiver's operating manual for further information on event codes, including those for non-weather events.

SAME Codes for Mariners and Coastal Residents
Coastal Flood Watch CFA
Coastal Flood Warning CFW
Extreme Wind Warning EWW
Hurricane Watch* HUA
Hurricane Warning* HUW
Hurricane Local Statement* HLS
Severe Thunderstorm Watch SVA
Severe Thunderstorm Warning SVR
Severe Weather Statement SVS
Special Marine Warning SMW
Special Weather Statement SPS
Storm Surge Warning SSW
Tornado Watch TOA
Tornado Warning TOR
Tropical Storm Watch* TRA
Tropical Storm Warning* TRW
Tsunami Watch TSA
Tsunami Warning TSW

* Not applicable to Great Lakes and Alaska forecast areas

INTERFERENCE: Read this report on the susceptibility of interference to VHF Marine transceivers from NWR transmitters.

Alaska Marine VHF Voice

National Weather Service Products via Alaska Marine VHF Voice

The NWS stopped broadcasting marine forecast and warning information for Alaska on VHF voice in 2018 including broadcasts on the 4125 kHz frequency.

Really Simple Syndication (RSS)


The Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (EMWIN) uses a satellite push and an FTP service where users can download weather information.  There is a third party software client that can automate the download of the FTP files. For more information on EMWIN, visit NWS' EMWIN webpage at: EMWIN

NOAA Weather Wire Service

The NOAA Weather Wire Service (NWWS) is the primary telecommunications network for NWS forecasts, warnings and other products to the mass media (newspapers, radio stations, TV, etc.), emergency management agencies, and private weather services. Receiving systems for mobile platforms such as ships are not readily commercially available.


For information on the NOAAPORT broadcast system, click here.  

NOAAPORT Contacts for External Users

Space Weather


Note: Any reference to a commercial product or service does not imply any endorsement by the National Weather Service as to function or suitability for your purpose or environment.

Marine Text Forecasts and Products

The majority of National Weather Service (NWS) forecasts and warnings may be found under the NWS Marine Forecasts page. Of specific interest to mariners are the NWS Marine Text Forecasts and Products. For convenience, High Seas, Offshore and Coastal marine forecasts are subdivided by sea area or zone and available via the Internet using our text interface or graphic interface. Individual NWS Forecast Offices and Centers producing marine forecasts provide links to their products as well as additional regionally focused information.

Explanation of Codes Used in Various Marine Text Forecasts and Weather Broadcasts:

Marine Graphic Forecasts and Products

Graphic marine forecasts are produced by NWS for broadcast via radiofax and also made available via the Internet at Marine Radiofax Charts .

The National Weather Service also plans to make available marine forecast data in gridded and vector formats for display on electronic charts and use by other value-added applications. Graphics using these data are available via the Internet for most U.S. coastal areas. Gridded forecast data for offshore and high seas areas are in the process of becoming available.

Also see Computer Generated Model Guidance below.

Satellite and RADAR Imagery

Satellite imagery may be found on the GOES webpage. and is also available from NASA. Ocean surface winds and other data derived from polar orbiting and geostationary satellites may be found on NOAA's Marine Observing Systems Team Homepage and NOAA's Coastwatch Homepage. Information and links to Sea Surface Temperature Charts and Gulf Stream charts may be found on our FAQ webpage. NEXRAD Doppler Radar images are available on the Internet on the NWS Homepage and local NWS Forecast Offices homepages. NEXRAD Doppler Radar images may also be found on local cable channels and the webpages of local media including TV stations, radio stations and newspapers as well as others.

Ice Analysis, Forecasts and Iceberg Reports

Ice analyses, forecasts and iceberg reports are available from the National Ice Center, the U.S. Coast Guard's International Ice Patrol, and local NWS marine forecast offices in areas such as Alaska where ice is a concern. Ice forecasts and observations are also made available as radiofax, text products and computer generated model guidance.


Computer Generated Model Guidance

Computer generated model guidance products used by marine forecasters is available from the Ocean Modeling Branch, National Centers for Environmental Prediction, the Environmental Modeling Center, the "Operational Forecast System" Model Guidance from the National Ocean Service, and the Great Lakes Coastal Forecasting System (GLCFS).

NCEP model data in graphic and gridded binary (GRIB) form may be found on NCEP's N.O.M.A.D.S. (NOAA Operational Model Archive Distribution System) webservers.

The Weather Charts webpage contains charts, intended as guidance to forecasters, which can prove of value to mariners. Note: Several charts listed under "Weather Charts", which are no longer required to support NWS operations, may be terminated or made available at alternate sites. This should not include those which are broadcast by marine radiofacsimile.

Caution...these data have not been validated by marine forecasters and may be misleading. Mariners should use these data in conjunction with forecaster generated forecasts.

Marine Climatological Information

User-friendly climatological information for marine coastal areas may be found in Appendix B of the National Ocean Service's Coast Pilot's, volumes 1-9. These appendices, which were prepared by the National Center for Environmental Information, also contain other useful meteorological information such as conversion tables. Visit their webpage for further information.

The National Geospacial-Intelligence Agency now makes available some of its Pilot Charts on-line.

Foreign Marine Forecasts

Links to foreign meteorological services are available courtesy of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

The WMO has the GMDSS Webpage which, as a first step, provides links to worldwide meteorological bulletins and warnings issued for the high seas via SafetyNet and SafetyCast.

Also try the Naval Oceanography Portal for data which is outside the area of U.S. marine forecast responsibility.

Buoy and Other Real-Time Observations

The latest coastal and offshore weather observations from NOAA fixed and drifting data buoys and Coastal-Marine Automated Network (C-MAN) stations may be found at the National Data Buoy Center webpage. Real time meteorological and oceanographic observations for several sites are also available from the Physical Oceanographic Real-Time System (Ports). PORTS is a program of the U.S. National Ocean Service that supports safe and cost-efficient navigation by providing ship masters and pilots with accurate real-time information required to avoid groundings and collisions. Several National Ocean Service tide gages are also equipped with ancillary meteorological sensors. Regionally focused observation data may also be found on the webpages of local NWS Forecast Offices. Some marine observations may also be found on our NWS Marine Product Listing and Schedule. Historical and real-time beach temperature data is available from the NODC Coastal Water Temperature Guide.

NOAA's NCEP Central Operations MADIS Database offers a Display of Surface Data from several government, commercial and voluntarily operated mesonets as well as observations of those of the Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) Program and data buoys. A variety of marine observations may also be viewed on the National Ocean Service's nowCOAST Web Portal.

For mariners with a low speed Internet connection....... The latest buoy or C-MAN data may be retrieved via the Internet as in the following example where 44017 refers to buoy #44017 and SJSN4 refers to non-floating observation platform SJSN4.


The advent of the Internet has brought about a new type of observation system popular with beachgoers, surfers, and others - the WEBCAM which displays live images of current conditions. To find WEBCAMS for marine areas use your favorite Internet search engine to search for such key words as Beach Cams, Surf Cams, Coastal Cams, Ocean Cams, Port Cams and Cruise Cams. You may wish to refine your search by adding your geographic area to the search's key words.

Tide Predictions, Observations and Storm Surge Forecasts

Near real-time Water Level Observations, and Predicted Tide Information for the calendar year, are available from the National Ocean Service. Read the NOS Tides FAQ for further information on obtaining NOS tides and tidal current data. Caution is urged in using tide data made available at University and other webpages. This information may not be based on current government data and be of unknown quality.

Computer generated, Extratropical Water Level Forecasts are available from the National Weather Service's Meteorological Development Laboratory. Status maps are provided to give the user a quick overview of a region. Forecasts of storm surge produced as a result of a tropical storm or hurricane are available from your local NWS Forecast Office.

The "Operational Forecast System" Model Guidance from the National Ocean Service have been created to provide the maritime community with improved short-term predictions of water levels. Please be advised that these predictions are based on a hydrodynamic model and, as such, should be considered as computer-generated forecast guidance.

For Emergency Responders and Planners

NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration, National Ocean Service, offers a series of job aids and software to predict weather and ocean affects on the trajectory of hazardous materials such as oil spills. The information may be helpful for further applications as well.

Historic Weather Forecasts, Satellite Images and Oceanographic Data

For historic weather forecasts, satellite images and oceanographic data, contact the National Center for Environmental Information and National Oceanographic Data Center, found on our listing of Phone Numbers and Addresses.

Observations from Mariners

All NWS marine forecasts rely heavily on the Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) program for obtaining meteorological observations. Ship observations may also be found on the National Data Buoy Center - Observations Search, National Data Buoy Center - Ships Observation Report, CoolWX, and Oceanweather webpages.

The National Weather Service has a number of other volunteer observation programs including the SKYWARN, MAREP, MAROB, MARS, APRSWXNET/Citizen Weather Observer Program (CWOP) and the Cooperative Observer Program (COOP) which are of benefit to the marine community.

Marine Webpages

The Internet contains a great number of webpages of interest to the mariner. Visit our Links page for a listing of recommended webpages pertaining to Marine Weather. The U.S. Coast Guard Maritime Telecommunications Information webpage contains an excellent description of marine communication systems. There are also many other Internet sites of interest to the mariner. Use one the Internet search engines to search on topics such as "marine weather", "radiofax", "radiofacsimile", "weather buoys", "tides", etc. The NOAA Library provides an excellent listing of links to marine related webpages within NOAA and elsewhere.

Marine Weather Publications On the Web

Many marine weather related government publications are available on the Web.

Internet Access for Mariners

Internet at sea can be problematic unless you stay within cellular telephone range of shore. "Marine WIFI" technology is rapidly becoming popular at marinas and in favorite harbor areas. Satellite services including Inmarsat, Iridium, Globalstar, Thuraya, Emsat, ACeS, tracNet/DirecPC, Boatracs, Orbcomm, and MTN are available, however, costs are generally greater. Several companies offer e-mail services designed to optimize satellite connectivity including MAILASAIL, OCENS, UUPLUS and XGate. Full Internet access is often available if you have a satellite terminal onboard, but presently unless you restrict your use to e-mail messages, costs can be high. A number of satellite services such as Inmarsat-C offer e-mail messaging services only and provide no access to the World Wide Web. Several transmission and data compression schemes are available and in development to make the Web more accessible to the mariner. There are also several public FTP-to-EMAIL and WWW-to-EMAIL servers available to allow Internet access for users who do not have direct or cost effective access to the World Wide Web but who are equipped with an e-mail system. CLICK HERE for information. Low cost, worldwide, access to the World Wide Web via satellite should be available to the mariner in the next five to ten years.

If you have an HF marine radio, E-mail service is available from companies such as Sailmail, CruiseEmail, Global Marine Networks, Kielradio, Globe Wireless and Shipcomm LLC (WLO/KLB). E-mail can be accomplished at no cost using amateur radio.

The domain of the Internet is rapidly expanding to now include wireless devices such as so-called "Internet-Ready" digital cellular phones and Personal Data Assistants (PDAs). These offer great potential for making marine forecasts available to coastal mariners, who have limited other options available. The majority of these other options are by voice where there is always the possibility of misunderstanding.

A webpage for the most popular marine text forecasts compatible with many celphones and PDA's may be found at Marine Cell pages.

A low bandwidth webpage containing marine and public forecasts intended for mobile devices may be found at: (includes a capability to view the forecast for any zip/city and radar images).

Visit where you will find NHC's wireless web page. There you can find the link to obtain NHC's most popular hurricane products, offshore forecasts, and high seas forecasts.

National Weather Service Products Available Via E-MAIL(FTPMAIL)

National Weather Service marine text forecasts, radiofax charts and buoy observations are available via e-mail. Further, FTPMAIL may be used to acquire any file on the FTP server. The FTPMAIL server is intended to allow Internet access for mariners and other users who do not have direct access to the World Wide Web but who are equipped with an e-mail system. Turnaround is generally in under one hour, however, performance may vary widely and receipt cannot be guaranteed. To get started in using the NWS FTPMAIL service, follow these simple directions to obtain the FTPMAIL "help" file (11 KBytes), or CLICK HERE.

-In plain text format-
Send an e-mail to: [email protected]
Subject line:    Put anything you like
Body:         : help

An FAQ webpage describing several public and commercial FTP-to-EMAIL and WWW-to-EMAIL servers may be found at:

A webpage describing several different e-mail "robots" similar in concept to FTPMAIL, including some with advanced features such as allowing retrieval of NWS marine GRIB files, simple webpages, and allowing products to be retrieved on a scheduled, recurring basis may be found at:

Internet Broadcasts

Marine weather data is available via an Internet PUSH as part of WxWire.

Watches, Warnings and Advisories Using RSS and XML/CAP Based Formats

The National Weather Service provides access to watches, warnings and advisories for marine and land areas, and for hurricane watches and warnings, via RSS and XML/CAP to aid the automated dissemination of this information. Planning is in progress to better extend these to include all marine warnings.

Directories of NWS Marine Forecasts

For Website developers or other "power" users, many NWS marine text forecast products are available at the following URL's, indexed by WMO header or zone.

Many National Weather Service Weather Charts may be found in the following directories, indexed by WMO ID or other identifier.

Change Notices

For details on changes to NWS products, visit the NWS Service Change Notices and Public Information Statements, and NWS Telecommunication Operations Center (TOC) Data Management Change Notices webpages. CLICK HERE for a summary of recent changes of most interest to mariners and coastal residents.