Hi I wanted to say that I just read all three books and I'm really glad you have been updating this book. I know life can be hard so I really appreciate that you are continuing this story.
I know that the stories are short but I kind of like it sort of gets straight to the point cause supernatural is a long show unlike other stories that I have read, this one is really unique in that regard and also I liked that you kept Ben and Lisa in the story and that they are acting like adults and raising there children right.
Most would just forget about her or just kill her off and I'm glad that in the 4 months that dean died she didn't just move on like other stories cough (Donovan) cough and (love can be magic )cough and so many others I sort of even got in a heated argument with them on the base that there protagonist or oc is in no relationship all her life and then they met dean and they break up and suddenly not even a month later they are with some one else and boom they forget about everything and in some story's like( to hell and back ) and (love can be magic)there protagonist has sleeped with everyone and then oh they say dean is the love of their life I mean seriously WTF. Really Sorry about the rant I had to get that off my chest and I really liked that you got dean married as soon has possible and I know San also sleeped with lucy but I happy that, that part is over.
I hope you keep updating and and writing great stories we will be here to support as long as you want to and I hope you don't write ben and Lisa off.