Hey Izzy. I had a funny idea for your That's business, kid story.
Luxy decides to bring his aunt and grandpa over to Bryce's home for a family dinner.
Luxy greeted everyone with hugs and kisses then he came over to Tammy.
Luxy: Hey grandma.
Tammy: Hey, sweet pea.
Daniel quickly recognized Tammy.
Daniel: Tammy? Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes.
Tammy however was not happy to see the very man who abandoned her and her daughter.
Tammy: What are you doing here you dirty rat?
Luxy: I invited him.
Daniel: Well as I live and breathe.
Tammy: Unfortunately.
Daniel: I must say, you look the same as you did last time I saw you. Still not a day over 20.
Luxy slapped his forehead in annoyance at his grandpa's not so good impression