Hey guys. I'm thinking about taking a small break from Wattpad and not updating for a while. My friends and I have some arguments going on, and everyone is blaming me for starting the entire mess. I'm just slipping into this kind of, depression state because non of my "friends" can talk to me normally without blaming me or accusing me of something I feel like I have done wrong, like people are blocking me and unfriending me and talking behind my back on social media. I need time to collect my thoughts, and try to see what's going on, and why everyone is mad at me. It kills me inside, and I'm getting really depressed about all this. I'm trying to balance school, sports, homework, music/ music lessons/ orchestra, and all this drama, and I feel like I'm drowning in it. No one wants to talk to me, so I take more comfort from strangers, than my "friends" and telling them what is happening. It's also sad, because most of these people were my best friends, who I never thought to do thi to me.