Hey I love your story and Peggy and I have probably read it 4 times now. I just need to know: why haven’t you updated in 2 years? I love the story and I neeeeeddd more! Love ya ❤️
i know you ship lams probably but do you also ship hamliza?
I just want a really awesome author like yourself to be on my side for once xD
And Peggy is the first Hamilton fanfiction I've read AND IM ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED. You do such an incredible job at writing characters that are so easy to like and so easy to hate. LAF AND PEGGY THOUGH. I literally never thought about that ship and now it's one of my favorites! Keep updating this!!!
@peggyschuylerr Thank you so much! I'm so happy people like it. I've always been having trouble finding a Peggy/Lafayette story so I decided to make my own. Thanks again! (And since I'm not on my phone: <3)
@LincolnLivie 1st fanfic and I'm hooked♥️♥️ I always love when Laf is shipped with Peggy or Maria because of a Roleplay and so this is close to my heart♥️♥️