
I have finally updated the next chapter of the suitors! Please forgive me whilst I get back into the swing of it as I’ve had a very long break. Thank you!! 


Hello! I hope this message finds you well. I am currently working on an Avengers story and am eager to share it with individuals who might appreciate it. If you are interested, I would be grateful if you could take a moment to check it out using the link provided. Thank you!


Did I just stay up til 2am even though I have work tomorrow to write you all a little Professor Evans story? YES I DID.  
          It’s completed with seven chapters and built from my dilf oneshot. Check it out on my page <3


It is so good! Thank you!


Hi all. 
          This is my first time logging on in months, I’ve been putting it off due to feeling overwhelmed. Wattpad didn’t feel like a suitable platform for me due to removing my Avengers oneshots with no warning and no follow up on reports I tried to make. I poured my heart and soul into those and I know how much you all loved them. 
          Im again asking if anyone has a copy to PLEASE message me/post on this board. I have over 4k notifications I need to work through, but not tonight. 
          I’d love to continue my Suitors story, even though it wasn’t my most popular, just to see it through to the end. I also have so many more oneshots to write in my dilf ones, but after my last ones got taken down I’m a little apprehensive. 
          Please bear with me. I appreciate you all so much!! 
          L x 


@RedRoomReads-x Hey, sorry, I've been kinda absent from wattpad for a while but I did message you about your one-shots a while ago. I screenshotted everything when you sent out your original post and I still have the screenshots. I talked with you for a bit but Wattpad cut off conversations right then and I kinda just set it aside. I'm currently in the process of transferring them to Google Docs from the screenshots so they might have a few grammatical errors but other than that will be the same. I'll continue transferring them so just let me know what works best for you.


@RedRoomReads-x wattpad has gotten money hungry imo! completely different from how it used to be in 2016-2019. they have absolutely no care for their writers and this just shows! devastated for you, writing can (and does) take so much time. praying that person reaches out to you!!


@AnaiyaFalcon I agree. Especially as I wasn’t ever told a reason :( 


Hi everyone, sorry for the hiatus but I’ve had a hard time with the deleting randomly of my stories, feeling uninspired, my own mental health and my family health currently. I hope you can forgive me and know I’ll be back soon! 


I tried to message you but didn’t get a reply! I would love a copy if you still have it


Did you ever get my messages that I sent? I’m the one who had your story randomly pop up in library