Hello everyone, I'm not entirely sure if I want to keep the old stories(they're a mess), I wrote them so long ago. Some people enjoyed them. I've wanted to write stories better than I have, and possibly start writing soon. Sadly I've been down in the scariest of worlds and haven't been believing that I was anything of importance. I've lost many, and have done many harmful thing's to myself. Still going through such darkness, somehow I've found a light. My boyfriend blackblade14. He's helped more than anyone.
I want to write thing's that are actually good, to be proud of what I wrote and not feel weird about it because in all honesty, my books suck. My books make me look like there's something wrong with me and makes me feel like I'm not intelligent. So, I'd like to ask a question to all of you. I'd like you all to be critical, but not too harsh because I've been in dark places and I don't think I can handle rude and inconsiderate people. I'd love for everyone, that possibly wants more from me, to suggest a book(s) series I can write about, to turn these book(s) around. I was thinking maybe different mythical beings for one. I'm not sure what about but that would be interesting. Possibly poetryfor another, about how I feel, maybe connect with some of you, talk about thing's. Who knows, all I know is that I want to do something, and put out the best I can. I believe I've gotten better at writing as I've been away, I'd like to show that to you, share what's in this crazy head of mine. I'm not sure what direction I want to go-but we can help each other, learn what can accomplish, together.