
this message may be offensive
For Those Reading the Following Stories -- I have good news and news that might make you endeavor to kill me:
          	Bad News:
          	After much hemming and hawing I've decided Count Your Blessings is not going to continue. I just don't have it in--
          	Dylan: Waitaminute. (holding up a hand) Wait one damn minute. You've had me locked in some crazy woman's basement for the last two  years for nothing?
          	Me: (nervously fidgeting) Well, at least you're no longer a hostage...
          	Dylan: You suck.
          	Me: Aw, c'mon, Dylan. Don't be like-- (watching her walk away) Where are you going?
          	Dylan: Home to Layne and Robin. (stops to glare at me) If that's okay with you, Meghan?
          	Me: Um, yeah, sure. Do whatever you want. Safe travels! And sorry about the thing with the...uh, basement and crazy chick.
          	Dylan: (smirks) Uh huh. 
          	More Not So Good News:
          	Hostage of the Heart is on hiatus until I finish my latest book. I wouldn't dare want to piss Piper off. More than I already have...
          	Good News:
          	Chapter 46 of Flawed Creatures has just been updated.


@Megabucks can i just pretend count your blessings never happened and live with the ending of the previous book


You did not just killed count your blessings  at least you didn't say hostage of the heart was discontinued as well....I am gonna go cry now 


@GenderNoMatter -- Great! I'm happy your excitement has been reignited. With the turtle slow updates I've been worried people would forget about the book and I don't want that happening. Been busy, but I really need to pin more time in to write because finishing this story is very important to me. Speaking of Christmas if we shan't speak again before it arrives I hope you have a very Merry Christmas :-))