this message may be offensive
For Those Reading the Following Stories -- I have good news and news that might make you endeavor to kill me:
Bad News:
After much hemming and hawing I've decided Count Your Blessings is not going to continue. I just don't have it in--
Dylan: Waitaminute. (holding up a hand) Wait one damn minute. You've had me locked in some crazy woman's basement for the last two years for nothing?
Me: (nervously fidgeting) Well, at least you're no longer a hostage...
Dylan: You suck.
Me: Aw, c'mon, Dylan. Don't be like-- (watching her walk away) Where are you going?
Dylan: Home to Layne and Robin. (stops to glare at me) If that's okay with you, Meghan?
Me: Um, yeah, sure. Do whatever you want. Safe travels! And sorry about the thing with the...uh, basement and crazy chick.
Dylan: (smirks) Uh huh.
More Not So Good News:
Hostage of the Heart is on hiatus until I finish my latest book. I wouldn't dare want to piss Piper off. More than I already have...
Good News:
Chapter 46 of Flawed Creatures has just been updated.