not me about to write a fic for a green block pixel man


BLACK LIVES MATTER!!! I am so sick of seeing people more outraged over a target being looted than a man who had his life taken from him. this isn’t a political issue; it’s a moral issue. If you think people deserve to be judged based on the color of their skin, their gender, their sexuality, or anything other than their morals, you can unfollow me immediately. 


@JUBlLEE I agree BLACK LIVES MATTER there is no reason to discriminate against them just because there skin color is different it's like when your in kindergarten and you want the red crayon but you're friend takes it so you guys are fighting over that's literally what is happening 


i am doing my best to further educate myself on the matter and see how i can help as an ally, and i think other allies should too. no justice no peace.