Hello friends … This profile will be all about katekyo hitman reborn ❤️ . I'm making a story that I saw be. Continuation of the manga, the story I posted here, is a parallel story of a New Year's party where the whole vongola will be, there will be the dynamics of the original characters, along with the new ones that I created to continue the story, I hope you like it.
Olá, Annie001362! Estou aqui para lhe convidar a ler "Blind Love's Shadows-SUPERNATURAL". Dá uma passadinha lá depois, e se gostar comente e favorite. Você poderá estar nas dedicatórias dos próximos capítulos!
Hello friends … This profile will be all about katekyo hitman reborn ❤️ . I'm making a story that I saw be. Continuation of the manga, the story I posted here, is a parallel story of a New Year's party where the whole vongola will be, there will be the dynamics of the original characters, along with the new ones that I created to continue the story, I hope you like it.
✨Slt merci pour l'abonnement ça fait plaisir à Cosmo! Il est venu t'annoncer que tu fais officiellement partie de ses ✨ stella ✨ et que tu viens d'agrandir son cosmos il sait pas ce qui ta amené sur son compte mais il est heureux que tu sois là si t'a un raison particulière balek du moment que tu t'amuses sur son compte sur ce à plus✨
HEY HEY HEYYYYY (Don't care. I'm crazy ;-;)
How are you?
Thanks for the follow
Is there a reason? How do you find my count?
Have a good day/morning/night/evening