
Dabi, touya, blueflame, burned chicken nugget, patchwork bit*h,... Ahhh a man with so many interesting names(someone had to point it out)


Have you read the newest chapter of my hero Academia manga? Do you wonder why horikoshi did this to dabi too? Why? Please my dabi stans answer me what you think, because in my opinion dabi will always look like we know him from pictures... 


OMG, ich hätte nach ein paar monaten wattpad nie an so eime große zahl follower gedacht. Aber hey danke leute
          Übrigens werde ich mich jetzt nur noch mit mha befassen und somit auch mein profilbild ändern, nur zur info
          Omg, i whouldve never thought about so many followers just after a couple of months on wattpad.
          But hey thanks guys
          Anyways i wont do anything other from mha from now on, so i will change my profile-picture too, just for your knowledge.