9 parts Ongoing In a world of mystical creatures, Alexander takes over as the new alpha of the Dawnguard pack after the sudden passing of his father. As the leader of the pack known for their bravery and strength, Alexander is expected to be a great leader and warrior. However, he struggles to find his footing in this demanding role.
While patrolling the pack's territory, Alexander stumbles upon Thomas, a human lost in the woods. Despite their unlikely meeting, Alexander feels a strong pull towards Thomas, a sensation he never experienced before. Thomas on the other hand, even with his fear of seeing the beast before him, is captivated by the mysterious and alluring aura that surrounds the werewolf.
As they spend more time together, Alexander begins to realize that Thomas is not only his equal but also his destined one. Their bond transcends species and defies all odds. Alexander's world is turned upside down as he grapples with his newfound feelings and struggles to reconcile his responsibilities as alpha. Thomas lives in an entirely different world than he. Where Thomas comes from, werewolves are a fairytale story.
As their relationship develops, Alexander and Thomas face numerous challenges. There are those who do not approve of their union and seek to undermine the alpha's leadership and his connection to the human race. Alexander must learn to balance his role as alpha while nurturing and protecting his bond with Thomas.
Alexander's world is filled with danger and deception. They must rely on each other's strength and unwavering love to overcome the obstacles that stand in their way. Through their shared adventures, they deepen their connection and realize that love knows no bounds, not even those of different species.
Together, they defy all odds and prove that love makes you strong, not weak, and that love truly conquers all.
(A BL story - BxB)