Emilie Castille has always been intrigued by stories of the infamous Opera Ghost.
When her father tells her that auditions are going to be held at the Opera Populaire for singers, dancers, and musicians, Emilie wonders why only men can be musicians in the orchestra. When she decides to audition anyway as a violinist to prove a point, she becomes entangled with the Opera Ghost himself.
As it turns out, Monsieur Opera Ghost is nothing like she had thought. When she joins him in his home, everything she knows about the world gets turned upside down.
Emilie must face that the world is full of selfish people--including her own father. Will Emilie succumb to the Opera Ghost's thoughts about the cruel world, or will she be able to reach past it and manage to find the beauty underneath in him?
Note: Obviously, I do not own any of the characters or songs to "The Phantom of the Opera". I do own the characters I created in this story, the plot, the cover I created, and any pictures I post with this story.
This story starts when Messieurs Andre and Firmin have just taken over the Opera Populaire, however, there are some differences between the original "The Phantom of the Opera" story and mine.
When Constance Desjardins decides to take her ambitions to the next level by trying out for the Opera Populaire's ballet, she learns of an Opera Ghost that has kidnapped the newly famous primma donna, Christine Daae. Can a ghost truly kidnap the living or is this ghost truly a man after all? Deciding to not let her mind dwell on the legends surrounding the Phantom, she sets her ambitions on furthering her career which lands Constance face to face with the ghost himself. Will she be able to live out her dream or will she be another pawn in the phantom's opera?
Created: July 30, 2015
Finished: March 15, 2017
Edited: Partially
I do not own Phantom nor any characters, scenes, music, etc. that could and will be used in this story. No copyright infringement is intended. All new characters and storyline are under my copyright and the copyright of WattPad.