Violet Brix is a young half Ishbalan girl who lived peacefully with her family. Her mother an Ishbalan, father a Brigadier General and Stat Alchemist, her older brother Allen, sister Raven and a new baby brother or sister along the way. Before the war everything was peaceful and their family was anxiously waiting another child, but that peace didn't last once the war irrupted. Violet's father tried to hide his family the best he could, knowing that they would most likely be imprisoned and he would be marked as a traitor to the military, and he did for four years until a train explosion took the lives of everyone but Violet. Devastated by the lost of her family Violet decides one night to use the Alchemy she learned from her father and perform the ultimate sin of "Human Transmutation" to bring back her family. In the end, it failed, and now she has no memories of her past. Being found by Fuhrer King Bradley she placed into the care of Roy Mustang and became the first female Stat Alchemist in the Military. Now, because of certain events, Violet keeps having film clip flash backs of what could be her past. Determined to figure it out she might discover how and who caused the train explosion that claimed the life of her family and maybe find something else along the way. Jean Havoc x OC Disclaimer: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist BrotherhoodAll Rights Reserved
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