Y/n Ryuga, heir to the Kamuran throne and son of Ryuga Banjo (Kamen Rider Cross-Z), begins his magical journey at Hogwarts, where his life becomes entwined with the magical world. But Y/n harbors secrets-he is a member of the legendary Knights of the Round Table, who are also Animagi that can transform into powerful monsters. Y/n, being able to turn into a Nargacuga, he also holds the title of the Black Knight after slaying four deadly black dragons at a young age.
At Hogwarts, Y/n quickly befriends Harry, Ron, and Hermione. However, his hidden past catches up with him, forcing him to reveal his monster-hunting skills and secret indentity. As Y/n and his new friends face the trials of Hogwarts, from the Chamber of Secrets to the Triwizard Tournament, he grows closer to Hermione, and their bond evolves into love.
Meanwhile, dark forces from the wizarding, Kamen Rider and Monster Hunter worlds begin to stir. Y/n must confront his destiny, protect his friends, and uncover the secrets of what happened to old Kamura. As his true identity as the Black Knight is fully revealed, Y/n, along with Harry, Ron, Hermione, and his allies, must face powerful monsters and Voldemort's growing threat, leading to an epic battle that will determine the fate of the world.
Original characters and plots belong to me , Harry Potter and the Wizarding World belong to JK Rowling. Kamen Rider belongs to Toie Company. Monster Hunter belongs to Capcom.
-=[ ] The God of Destruction's New World -[COMPLETED]- [ ]=-
35 parts Complete
35 parts
[ ] My king, perhaps you are bored? Yes, I am. My king, here is a new world for you. Enemies may dwell there, but I'm sure you can defeat them. Worry not. Everything is under control. My king, will you enter this world? Yes I shall. This should be fun. (I do not own Godzilla and MHWI, they belong to their respective owners. I only own the story. I had to put that there. This is my first book. Enjoy! :D) [Please don't try copying my story, I don't own any of the art.] {SPOILERS FOR ANIME GODZILLA AND MONSTER HUNTER WORLD: ICEBORNE} [ ]