In the world of Dragon Ball, Yuji Yasuke, a Saiyan hybrid, encounters a vampire named Moka Akashiya on his ninth birthday. Three years later, Yuji and his friend, Gohan, enroll in Yokai Academy, a school where monsters learn to coexist with humans.
At Yokai Academy, Yuji encounters Akasha Akashiya, a vampire who shares a complicated past with Moka. Akasha, once sharing a body with her inner self, Moka, was separated due to an unknown event. This separation resulted in Moka retaining most of their shared powers, leaving Akasha weaker and ostracized.
Yuji promises to protect Akasha from Moka's potential threats and helps her navigate the challenges of Yokai Academy. Despite the challenges and threats, Yuji remains determined to protect Akasha and uncover the truth behind Moka's actions. The story explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the complexities of identity in a world where monsters and humans coexist.
Savior Of The Multiverse (Male saiyan reader insert x massive crossover)
32 parts Complete
32 parts
Alright, this is my first time writing fanfic so please cut me some slack. Point out any issues or suggest what you would like to see. I will be adding all the different crossovers into the tags asap but for now I'm just getting started.
Please enjoy.
I own nothing in this fan fiction. Each character, setting, effect, and anything else belong to their respective owners. Please support the official release.
#4 dbz 11/23/19
#1 therisingoftheshieldhero 11/1/19