2 parts Ongoing "Love at First Class" is a captivating young adult novel that follows the heartwarming and tumultuous journey of Stephanie, a high school junior starting her 11th grade. On the very first day of school, she unexpectedly crosses paths with Stephen, a charming and enigmatic boy who immediately catches her eye.
Stephanie, known for her studious nature and close-knit group of friends, finds herself inexplicably drawn to Stephen. Despite their different social circles, a series of chance encounters and shared classes bring them closer together. As the school year progresses, Stephanie navigates the complexities of teenage life, balancing academics, friendships, and her growing feelings for Stephen.
The novel beautifully captures the essence of first love, with all its excitement, confusion, and emotional highs and lows. Stephanie's internal struggles and moments of self-discovery resonate with readers, while the evolving relationship between her and Stephen keeps them eagerly turning pages.
"Love at First Class" is a story about more than just romance; it's about personal growth, the importance of being true to oneself, and the serendipitous moments that can change one's life forever.