In the vibrant city of Megalopolis, three young triplet siblings-Peewee, Oscar, and Woody-harness the elemental powers of water, fire, and earth to protect their home from dark forces. United by their late parents' legacy and guided by their wise Uncle Tim, these superhero siblings face the sinister witch Malindra, who seeks to plunge the world into darkness. As they uncover their family's hidden past and battle shadowy creatures, the POWs must rely on their courage, unity, and extraordinary abilities to safeguard their city and overcome the evil threatening to destroy everything they love.
Join Peewee, Oscar, and Woody on their thrilling journey of discovery, heroism, and teamwork in this action-packed superhero saga!
#23 in Boynextdoor as of 02/02/2022
Magic? It doesn't exist, it is litterally impossible. Or is it?
Victoria Wood is a 16 year old girl with a twin brother. Her parents died in an Plane crash two years ago, and since then their older brother has become their legal guardian.
One the first day of Eleventh grade things become very weird for this set of twins. Does their older brother know it's going to happen?
Follow this set of twins through their crazy adventure through Eleventh grade.