Immerse yourself in the lives of Neil, the dedicated IPS officer, his forensic scientist sister Nandini, and their world intertwined with Avni, the determined criminal lawyer. Follow the journey of Manik, the talented singer-guitarist, along with his Abimanyu, the supportive doctor, and Akshara, the psychologist exploring music therapy. Dive into the dynamic duo of Mahir and Bela, passionate about design and business, as their paths intersect with the other characters, weaving a tapestry of relationships, ambitions, and conflicts that will captivate you from beginning to end.
Nandini Murthy, an orphan, architect
Manik Malhortra, music composer turned actor
Their special first meet, coming into contact, fitting into each other's lives and poles apart professions, balancing their lifestyle, escaping the eyes of media and fans to keep their relation a secret and so on and on...