On the first day at a prestigious magical academy, Serena, a bright and hopeful good witch, crosses paths with Ren, an enigmatic and brooding evil wizard shrouded in darkness. On their very first meet, the two deemed each as each other's rivals.
Yet, beneath the surface of this ancient school, where magic thrives and secrets fester, lies a mystery that beckons to be uncovered. When Serena and Ren, along with their friends, curiosity getting the best of them, driven by whispers of hidden truths, embark on a dangerous investigation, they are drawn into a web of long-buried secrets that threaten all the risks of their lives.
As the group delve into the mystery further, Ren's heart begins to soften for Serena, who remained oblivious to the boy's feelings.
What will happen if the young good witch falls in love for the evil wizard? Will the two be ever able to really love each other? Will they find their happy ending? Or pay the heavy consequences for their forbidden love?
Find out how "Falling For The Evil Wizard" unfolds a story about the star-crossed lovers from the two rival sides of magical beings and the dark secret of this enchanting school.
The story is currently on hold until I figure things out.
The story is slightly inspired off of the theme of Harry Potter, but plot and storyline is completely different.
This book is fictional. Any resemblance of the events, characters, places etc. to The real life world is merely a coincidence.
If you find any errors in the writing, I would love to be corrected! Missing some errors while reviewing and having mistakes is completely normal, as everyone makes mistakes :)
My writing may not be the best, but I'm trying to improve.
The first few chapters may not contain best writing style, my skill get better within the next chapters (especially from chapter 8)
Maija Wessels, a high school junior, is confident, clever, and insightful. She hangs out at the beach with her besties, loves S'mores, and has a major crush on Carter Miller.
She's also a witch.
At least, that's what the Certified Witch Caretakers tell her when they show up with a letter from Applemoor Academy for the Magically Talented.
She's also in the first graduating class after Applemoor opened its doors to all magical beings: unicorns, elves, vampires, and more.
However, not everything is fluffy bunnies, apple pie, and rainbows.
There are boys too: the mysterious and brooding JJ who appears after she sees her name in the stars. Then Bobby Gold whose smile could melt any girls' heart.
As she tries to balance her old life with her supposed newfound abilities (not to mention the homework and spellwork), she can't use her cellphone, her roommate won't talk to her, she gets locked in a classroom, and tension among the magical beings on campus mounts.
And everyone keeps saying she looks exactly like Imogen Hawkes, the subject of the last great prophecy. Meanwhile, she's just trying to get through the day without turning anyone into a toad.
Read the first installment of the ten-part High School Magical series, with each story published on Wattpad on the first of the month and on Amazon on the fifteenth.