23 parts Ongoing Taiyo, a 15-year-old boy with DID, finds himself thrust into Japan after multiple unfortunate events, living with his friend who he had started an online band with, now making it a reality. After some debate, he decides to get over some of his trauma and take the entrance exam to become a student at UA. He didn't know what his quirk was, hell, he didn't even know if he had one in the first place. But it was worth a try either way; he didn't have much to lose before, and he came too far to lose now. (Contains slightly heavy topics such as mental health issues, and also violent scenes.)
(Note that I do not own My Hero Academia, nor do I seek to gain any financial income from this story through ads or WattPad offers. I do not claim any previous ideas other than making this fanfiction. This series and its characters belong to Kohei Horikoshi; this is simply fanfiction. I strongly recommend that you go and read/watch the original series.)