In the quiet town of Riverwood, nestled amidst dense woods, thirteen childhood friends once shared a bond that seemed unbreakable. Their camaraderie was forged in the innocence of youth until, at the age of ten, a chance encounter with a ruin in the heart of the forest changed everything.
Within those ancient walls, they befriended a spectral presence, a ghost whose ethereal presence captivated their young minds.
Tragedy struck swiftly when the ghost, once perceived as a friend, claimed the life of one of their own. Shocked and terrified, the group scattered, their once unbreakable bond shattered by fear and guilt. From that day forward, they vowed never to speak of their haunted past again.
Years passed, and though some drifted away, the echoes of their shared trauma lingered in the shadows of Riverwood. As they turned eighteen and embarked upon their senior year of high school, whispers of disappearing townsfolk cast a chilling pall over the once serene community.
Alex, one among the thirteen childhood friends, stumbled upon unsettling news: reports of inexplicable disappearances in Riverwood. Each month, another soul vanished without a trace, echoing a haunting pattern from their past. Driven by a sense of foreboding, Alex found himself confronting the specter of their haunted history once more.
Amidst the excitement of the annual pep rally, the ghost's voice echoed through the crowd, sending shivers down the spines of the those friends. In that moment of dread realization, they understood that one of their own had become the latest victim of the ghost's vengeful rampage.
United by a sense of responsibility and remorse, the group resolved to venture into the heart of the woods, determined to rescue their friend and put an end to the ghost's reign of terror once and for all.
Written By :- LMNTrix117
Art By :- LMNTrix117
Matt wanders back into Alexs's life... injured and babbling. Why is he here? Alex doesn't have time to argue, not with Matt's life on the line. However, eventually she must send the group of human's way. They are not safe with her. But suddenly Matt reveals his dirty secret. Alex's heart lies on the ground in shatters. Was everything really a lie? Backed into a corner Alex travels with the group to find a way to topple the purple queen's rule. However, Alex wraps her heart in chains and throws away the key. Never again will she be fooled by the notion of love.
The group finally finds a solid lead. A clue toward the answers Alex desperately seeks. However, the next puzzle piece leads directly toward a part of Alex's past she has desperately tried to forget. Forced to face her demons Alex is pulled into another world. One where she comes face to face with history. The truth has been revealed. Alex knows what she is and what she must do to save humanity. But will she accept her destiny and play her part? Or will she turn her back to it and fall down a dark winding path?
Matt and Alex must take the next adventure alone. Traveling to a land described only in myths and legends. Trapped under the sea in a world they don't know. To fight dangers, they have never seen before. They will be tested in ways they couldn't have imagined. Forced to face things that threaten to break them. And given things they never expected. Their only solace is the strength they have with each other. Side by side. Can Alex finally admit her feelings? Or will they remain two ships passing in the night? Forever orbiting each other, but never touching.