Eadwynn, she had a good life living in Northumbria at Bebbanburg. But everything changes when her father and brother is killed, her twin brother Uhtred was also thought to had been killed. But years later when she is living at the Wessex court, he arrives and she learns he was raised by vikings. Not Something she would expect. Aethelreda, the princess of Wessex and sister of the king Aethelred but everything changes when he is killed in battle. Her younger older brother then becomes king. Everything becomes even more complicated when Uhtred arrives and she relaises she is falling for him, not good with him being a viking and she a christian. Sigrid, a viking. The daughter of Kjartan and a slave. She was a childhood friend of Thyra, Uhtred and Brida but everything changes when her half brother Sven tries to rape Thyra. And with that Sigrid and her family is banished. Three women who lives changed in an instant, follow me on their journeys and where will it take them? Let's find out.All Rights Reserved