1 part Complete Prompt: Finally, you will produce an 8-10 page final paper using the repository of data that you will collect as a class. The goal of the final paper is to synthesize course themes and materials with the original data collected from the "Workers of Atlanta" project to analyze the nature of work in the 21st century. At a minimum, your final paper should draw upon the two interviews you conducted, as well as that of four additional workers that your classmates interviewed. This is why you will be uploading your final transcriptions into Moodle - so that your other classmates may read them and thoughtfully integrate them into their final papers in ways that make sense. As you watch your classmates present during Week 16, think of whose interviews might be most interesting or tangentially related to yours to incorporate into your final paper. You are welcome to tackle this from any angle you want. Perhaps you want to compare and contrast the experiences of white-collar workers with that of blue-collar workers. If this is the case, your analyses should consider how the nature of work if similar or different for both white-collar and blue-collar workers using course materials, as well their own words and digital images. Perhaps you see differences in how white-collar women describe their experiences versus white-collar men. Or how Black interviewees describe their interactions with customers in service occupations compared to that of White interviewees. The options are endless, so long as your paper is engaged with the original data from the project and with course materials to make sense of these workers' varied experiences. You can, and are encouraged to refer to, the digital photographs within your analysis.