32 parts Complete KOMAHINA FOCUSED.
Takes place after the events of Danganronpa 2, everyone who died could be revived and Hajime and the others work hard to make it happen. Of course eventually Nagito wakes up too, and him and Hajime share some cute fluff!
Features Komahina!!!
NOTE: I have only seen the english versions of Danganronpa 1 and 2 - I do not know anything really about the series, so please don't get upset at me if you don't like what you read because it doesn't match up with canon.
NOTE 2: If you drew the art I used for the cover, let me know and I'll credit you here.
NOTE 3: I have finished writing the entire book! There will be 32 chapters - I think you never know - and I'll post a new chapter every day. Look forward to it!