Annie LeBlanc has always had a bad side. She used to hide it when she was younger in school, she was pushed around, bullied, and hurt and cheated on. These past years (when she moved away), she's slowlyyy been letting that badass girl side out, to where she was one of the biggest mafia leaders in history... She's been the daughter of a mafia man her whole life, and treasured it. Now that her bad side's out, she's coming for revenge and a new hideout back at her old town, she's back, and looking out for her mafia gang. Another mafia gang that was once after her father, Billy, was now coming after her and her gang. Filled with love, violence, drunken states, cheaters, drama, bullying, etc,. Will Johnny Orlando and his friends become a gang for Annie? Will Johannie (Johnny and Annie) happen? [Warning: This series MAY contain violent or sexual scenes that may scare some viewers]