7 parts Ongoing MatureThe story revolves around Priya Sharma, who faces a dire family crisis and seeks help from Ram Kapoor, her boyfriend Rajat's wealthy and enigmatic older brother. Ram, known as the "Billionaire Playboy," surprises Priya with a unique offer: he's willing to provide financial assistance to her family, but in return, he wants Priya to marry him for the sake of appearances and business benefits.
Priya is torn between saving her family from financial ruin and the unconventional arrangement proposed by Ram. She grapples with her deep love for Rajat and the implications of marrying a man who claims he doesn't believe in love.
As Priya contemplates Ram's offer, a family emergency intensifies her dilemma. She ultimately agrees to Ram's proposal, setting the stage for a complex and unconventional marriage that promises financial stability but lacks the promise of love. The story explores themes of sacrifice, societal expectations, and the complexities of relationships as Priya navigates a life-altering decision.