115 parts Ongoing MatureThis story follows the lives of Yamaguchi, Kageyama, Hinata, and Tsukishima as they grow from high school teammates into lifelong friends, partners, and eventually parents. The narrative begins with their deep bonds formed through volleyball and the challenges they faced as they fell in love and built relationships. As time progresses, they welcome children into their lives-Aiko, the strong-willed alpha daughter of Yamaguchi and Kageyama, and Haru, the thoughtful omega son of Hinata and Tsukishima.
The story beautifully explores the balance between pursuing individual dreams and maintaining the strength of their relationships. As Aiko and Haru grow up, they experience their own journeys of self-discovery, eventually finding their secondary genders and later, their mates-Aiko with Kenta, and Haru with Riku. Their parents offer unwavering support, watching proudly as their children navigate love, friendships, and their futures.
At its core, the story is about the enduring power of love and family. From their days as high school students to becoming parents and guiding the next generation, Yamaguchi, Kageyama, Hinata, and Tsukishima's bond remains unshakable. Filled with heartfelt moments, laughter, and the challenges of parenthood, this story captures the essence of growing together while preserving the relationships that mean the most.
Ultimately, it is a testament to the strength of friendship, the importance of family, and the beauty of finding love in every stage of life.
i had too much fun doing this {credit to the person who drew the cover art}