50 parts Complete MatureFollowing the drama of An African Adventure Of A Warrior, this story follows Lincoln's life after he defeated David Bey as well as the lives of the rest of the Louds. In the year of 1987 20 years after the Bad Luck Incident, After years of trying to get a title shot after he lost the World Heavyweight Title, Former Heavyweight Champion Of The World and World Ranked Number One Contender Lincoln Loud finally got a chance to fight for the title again but with a caveat from the reigning and defending World Heavyweight Champion, in order to get that shot Lincoln was forced to return to the Loud House and face his ex family for the first time in 20 years since the incident that drove him away in 1967 Will Lincoln Loud return home and get the big title fight?, Will Lincoln once again become World Heavyweight Champion? Have the Louds changed? and Will Lincoln finally forgive them?, Find out in Part 3