31 parts Ongoing In the bustling city of Mumbai, where wealth and privilege reign supreme, a quiet tale of compassion and resilience unfolds. Lakshaya, a skilled and dedicated caretaker, finds herself entwined in the lives of the enigmatic Sekhwat family.
When lakshaya arrives at the majestic Sekhwat Estate, she's tasked with caring for Ishika, the family's ailing matriarch. As she navigates the complex web of relationships within the family, lakshaya confronts her own demons and discovers unexpected bonds.
With the harsh scrutiny of Kunal, Ishika's protective son, and the gentle guidance of Sonali, her compassionate daughter, lakshaya, must tread a delicate balance. As secrets surface and challenges mount, lakshaya determination and heart become the beacons of hope for the Sekhwat family.
Join lakshaya on her transformative journey as she unravels the mysteries of the Sekhwat Estate and discovers the true meaning of care, love, and belonging.
*Genre:* Family Drama, Romance