When an alien craft lands on planet Earth, Maj. John and Dr. Connie Shinn are eager to learn about its all-too-human passengers. However, when the peaceful aliens are forced into further compliance, the Earthlings are thrown into an unimaginable battle against one of the passengers...a vampire.
Unwittingly, the couple find themselves aboard the spaceship with its captain, Malook, and his vampiric companion, Sulru, as they head for Galdelier where they find the beautiful foreign world on the brink of civil war between the ruling humans and the malcontent vampires, strained under decades of subjugation. But amidst struggle, the lines between friend and foe can be easily turned askew. When you begin to question everything you once thought was noble or evil, where will you find your loyalties lie?
GENRE: Scifi, Vampire, Adventure
RATING: Mature for Thematic Elements, Sex, Language, Violence
POINT OF VIEW: First, alternating POV
TRIGGER WARNING: Parental Loss, Emotional Neglect, Rape
WORD COUNT: 132k Complete
Please read Author's Note.
Ace Hernandez, the Mafia King, known as the Devil.
Sofia Diaz, known as an angel.
The two are arranged to be married, forced by their fathers, joining the two Mafia's.
But Sofia eventually learns, even the devil was once an angel.
Cover by @alluringathena
*This book is more of a romance book than Mafia book and I hope you enjoyyy*