Dragon Ball: The Adventures of Gok...by KnightDragon777
This FanFic is a reboot and an alternate story of the first Dragon Ball story in which Son Goku arrives on Earth accompanied by his mother Gine after the death of Bardoc...
«The Beginning»by Meli
¿Nunca os habéis preguntado cómo se conocieron Gine y Bardock? ¿Lo que sintieron cuando se vieron por primera vez? ¿Lo que pasó en el Planeta Vegeta antes de que su hijo...
Lo mejor de este universo. (Bills...by Edith.
Una historia alternativa donde dos dioses se enamoran a pesar de tener el destino en contra.
Contenido: Yaoi/Romance/Lemon/Mpreg/Omegaverse/Lenguaje vulgar.
Selah | SB19 Ken [SB19 Series #5]by Pearl Dianne
Everyone in SB19 is either married, or has a girlfriend. Except for Ken Suson. Eager for a change of scenery, he finds himself booking a plane ticket home to Pagadian in...
SB19 short storiesby Vien
wanna have some one shot stories and short stories about SB19? you can read this, co-A'TIN!
hope y'all support me. thank youuu! ♥️
The Freezer and The Bottle - A Lil...by Abby
It's been four years since Liam last talk to his former best mate Louis and this really isn't how he imagined his first conversation with the lad going; in a freezer whi...
los guerreros z del mundo paraleloby annie
en este mundo todos los seres malignos son los buenos y los guerreros z, los malos en ambos casos todos son chicas, como veis no tienen nada en comun salvo una cosa que...
UNA HISTORIA DIFERENTE (MPREG)by cancer_no_yukiko123
Esta historia es alternativa, en esta historia nunca existio la batalla entre freezer y goku :3