6:30 am
Luca: She drank coffee
Maya: I swear the one day I don't have to be in my first-hour class my little sister wakes me up
Madi: You love me though
Maya: That's true
Murphy: Wait you actually show up to the first period
Clarke: 🤦♀️
Bellamy: Murphy we all know you skip first hour
Raven: John you're going to first hour or no kisses for a whole day
Murphy: fine you win babe
Jasper: Babe 🥺
Raven: 3
Octavia: Why is Jasper fanboying at 6:30 in the morning
Jasper: MURVEN
Miller: There's a thing called caps locks and you need to turn it off
Jasper: NO
Miller: YES
Clarke: All of you caps locks off now!
Miller: Sorry Mom
Harper: What have we walked into
Monty: I don't know babe
Octavia: 2
Gaia: We're counting how many times Jasper fan boys
Echo: Makes sense
Jackson: ^
Miller: I don't even want to go to school
Madi: No one ever does
Clarke: Murphy's and my future step dad work with the school
Murphy: It can't be worse than that
Raven: But somehow it feels worse
Murphy: Ikr
Echo: I heard there's a new student
Lincoln: Who
Echo: A guy named Roan I apparently I have to show him around today
Bellamy: Where's he from
Echo: Idk they said somewhere in like Ton DC
Clarke: Never heard of it
Echo: I hadn't either till the other day
Maya: Back at my old school we had a few kids from there, but they were only there for like a week before they switched schools again
Lincoln: I remember when that happened that was messed up
Clarke: Weird
Miller: We're heading to school and Murphy
Miller: Don't be late I don't want to deal with Mr. Jaha when he's mad again
Murphy: I'm going with Raven I won't be late
Jasper: MURVEN
Murphy: Jasper I swear I'm going to punch you
Clarke: No you will not or I will seriously tell mom about you skipping
Murphy: And I'll tell mom that you got into a fight with Roma
Jasper: Sibling love
Murphy and Clarke: Shut up Jasper
At school .....
Clarke: Murphy what did you do now
Madi: What's happening
Gaia: Murphy was called to the office
Echo: It's been a while since that happened
Raven: John
Murphy: That's me
Raven: What did you do
Murphy: i may have shoved a kid in a locker
Jasper: I helped
Raven: i don't know whether to be angry or proud
Monty: Dax a freshman was trying to bully Jasper and so Jasper told him to shut up, shoved him then Murphy shoved him in the locker and closed it
Jasper: It's called teamwork
Luca: True that
Octavia: Wait you boys all knew
Monty: We have a guy's chat like you guys have a girls group chat
Bellamy: Tbh Dax really did deserve it though
Murphy: well I have detention every day for the next month
Jasper: and I have it for 2 weeks
Miller: That's surprising
Murphy: Jasper told them that he was being bullied so
Clarke: Mr.Jaha is yelling at me because I'm done with my work and texting
Gaia: Jaha is seriously the worst
Raven: Just change my contact to your mom so you can leave
Bellamy: Say I need to take her
Clarke: Thanks Raven
Raven: np
Madi: Some kid jumped off a desk during class and yelled JUMANJI
Maya: what class are you 2 in
Luca: Math
Madi: The principal walked in then told him not to jump off the desk during school
Echo: Can I add Roan he wants to join
Bellamy: Sure
Lincoln: Go ahead
Echo added Roan Azgeda to Delinquents
Echo: This is a group chat of all my friends
Roan: Okay
Roan: Hi I'm Roan Azgeda I'm from Ton DC originally but I moved here after my parents got a different job
Jasper: Jasper Jordan is dating Maya and do you know what Bellarke is
Clarke: Jasper I swear
Roan: No
Jasper: Clarke and Bellamy's Ship name
Jasper: there's also Mackson, Marper, Murven, Linctavia, and Maya and I are Jaya
Jasper: Follow my ship account Jasperships_401
Monty: Back to the introductions
Monty: Monty Green, one of the smartest people here, dating Harper
Raven: Raven Reyes, also one of the smartest people here, dating John Murphy
Madi: Madi Vie, Maya's little sister, and Luca's best friend
Luca: Luca Nakara, Madi's best friend and we're both in 8th grade
Maya: Maya Vie, Madi's older sister, dating Jasper
Octavia: Octavia Blake, Bellamy's younger sister, and dating Lincoln
Octavia: Also my brother can be an asshole
Clarke: it's true babe
Bellamy: but I'm your asshole
Clarke: Yes you are
Jasper: jdbsisjsijedjsjsjsiisjsbdnfodoisjJtzkyzkbdjaooqmdsludhlxnxjcjckfifbsnieoqoaslsjisiadlujxidakahajsnjsjsjwlaowowjrndkkskzkfnuasbtboabrko
Roan: is he okay
Echo: yes you get used to it
Lincoln: Lincoln Woods, dating Octavia, and that was Jasper freaking out over one of his many ships
Bellamy: Bellamy Blake, Octavia's older brother, dating Clarke
Murphy: John Murphy but everyone calls me Murphy expect for Madi, Raven, And my sister
Murphy: Also dating Raven
Clarke: Clarke Griffin, Murphys younger sister, Dating Bellamy and Don't call him John he get pissed when people do that
Miller: Nathan Miller but everyone calls me Miller and I'm dating Jackson
Jackson: Eric Jackson but everyone calls me Jackson, Dating Miller
Gaia: Gaia Trikru everyone's best friend whose mom covers for when were
Jasper: Or high
Gaia: if you are Jasper or Monty then yes
Roan: it's nice to meet you all
Echo: Murphy is the one who was called to the office earlier
Murphy: A month's worth of detention
Harper: Wait you actually locked him in there
Murphy: Ya idk whose locker it was but there was girl stuff and it had pictures in it but I didn't pay attention
Echo: Might be Bree or Roma
Jasper: locker number 231
Echo: Bree's locker
Murphy: Even worse for him
Roan: Whose Bree and Roma
Harper: The bitchest girls in school
Roan: Oh so that's who that one girl was
Roan: While I was waiting for Echo Roma came up to me flirting in all and she wouldn't leave alone so I said leave bitch
Roan: Let me just say she is a bitch
Clarke: Welcome to our fucked up family
Jasper: Parent number 1 of the group
Bellamy: Jasper were not actually you're parents
Jasper: YES
Jasper: Yes mom
Bellamy: I give up
Clarke: ^
Gaia: See they act like parents
Roan: Jasper I Follow your ship account now
Hey guys! I sorry this chapter kinda ended weird this was the best way I could figure out how to end it. Also, I'm sorry if updates take longer on this story. I have had a lot of writer's block and I finally found some inspiration to write a chapter somehow. Also thank you for all of your support during my break when I had major writer's block. Anyway, I love you all and have a great day!- Samantha