Talia hears Chris and wonders what they did to him.... 19:32
Andrea looks at Chris "Did what?" 19:32
Talia: () 19:32
Gracie: (lmao.) 19:32
Talia gets up and pulls her hair into a pony tail as best she can 19:32
Allison: (.___. Where's a hole to die in? I'd like to crawl in it) 19:33
Brendan: (Well, it was only on the forehead... but it's only a matter of time before I steal her away from David.....) 19:34
Talia opens her door and walks downstairs deathly quiet 19:34
Allison: (Phew.) 19:34
Chris says through his teeth. "Which one of you left cockroaches on my fucking bed?" 19:35
Brendan: Don't know what you're talking about, dude. 19:36
Gracie curls up into a small ball. 19:36
Talia walks down the stairs and stares at all the idiots on the couch 19:36
Talia says quietly "Who did it?" 19:36
Gracie: (I'm not an idiot!) 19:36
Derrick: Did what? 19:36
Talia: *minus Gracie 19:37
Gracie: (lmao.) 19:37
Talia: CUT MY HAIR YOU ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 19:37
Andrea: Don't talk to him like that. 19:37
Talia: Shut up Andrea. 19:37
Derrick blinks. "Oh? You got a haircut? Looks nice. Much better than that poodle-looking thing you had on your head..." 19:37
Gracie winces. 19:38
Gracie thinks, "This isn't going to end well..." 19:38
Talia grits her teeth "Who did it??" 19:38
Chris swings at Derrick. 19:38
Derrick turns invisible and gets up, hiding in a corner. 19:39
Andrea flinches because Derrick was sitting next to her and Chris is too close to her 19:39
Chris looks around. "Coward!" 19:40
Brendan: Dude, stop, alright?! We didn't do anything. Zoe maybe wanted to prank you guys and took it too far. And even if we were had, you really have no proof. 19:40
Talia looks at Gracie, remembering she doesn't have her memory back yet. "Gracie who did it?" 19:41
Gracie: Huh? 19:41
Gracie bites her lip. 19:41
Talia: Who did it? Dec 3
Gracie: Um... 19:41
Gracie: I did... 19:42
Chris jawdrops. 19:42
Brendan also jawdrops. 19:42
Derrick stands in the corner, completely surprised... 19:42
Talia: You... what?? No you didn't. 19:43
Gracie: Yeah, I did. I'm really really sorry. You had gum in your hair last night and I forgot to tell you, so I thought I could get it out, but I couldn't and then I just cut it, but I cut too much and I tried fixing it, but... I made it worse.... 19:43
Gracie bites her lip harder. 19:44
Talia: Then what happened to Chris? 19:44
Chris: Yeah. Why the FUCK would you do that to me, Gracie? 19:45
Chris clenches his fists. 19:45
Talia: What happened? 19:45
Gracie: I-I wanted to get you back for what you did to me Wednesday. I-I mean, nine years ago on Wednesday. He cheated off of me in school and then when the teacher asked about it, he said I cheated off of him, but it was a lie and I got in trouble with my mom... so I thought putting cockroaches all over his bed would be a nice way to get revenge... 19:47
Brendan holds Gracie tightly. "Aw, it's okay, Cici." 19:47
Chris: GRACIE! ... Seriously, what the FUCK? We agreed that if we got caught, you'd take the heat for it! I was just doing what you told me to! 19:48
Gracie: I know.... I'm sorry..... 19:48
Derrick feels completely guilty now and palmfaces because he's going to have to make another "I'm sorry" dinner for her. 19:49